A new subject is introduced in all schools of Russia.

From the end of September a new subject will be introduced in the schools of the country. It is called not quite clear - NTI. The abbreviation means the following - "national technology initiative".

During the NTI lessons, children will be told about the latest developments and technologies that have appeared in Russia.

The subject is designed for high school students. The Ministry of Education recommended it for teaching children from 8 to 11 grade.

Methodical materials have already been sent to schools to teachers of various specialties. Separate teacher training rates will not be required by the NTI; teachers of biology, chemistry, physics, and other subjects can teach it.

In a few days the teaching of this subject will begin and it is planned that it will look like thematic lessons, united by topics such as "Man", "Infrastructure", "Technique", "Ecology", "Information", "Production".

On advanced Russian technologies in each of the thematic sectors and will tell high school students.

So, in the “Man” section, children will learn about bionic technologies, about the possibilities of editing the genome, and about preventive medicine. In the "Information" section, the guys will be introduced to the blockchains, the achievements of artificial intelligence, quantum technologies.

In the section on technical advances, high school students will be able to learn more about unmanned aerial vehicles, and in the Production section, children will be offered the latest production innovations that automate and robotic processes in factories and mills.

It is reported that the All-Russian School Olympiad will be held on STI, more than 20 thousand people have already announced. The results of the Olympiad will have weight when entering universities, if the profile of the Olympiad corresponds to the profile of the university.


