Doctors called the five rules of the January walks with children

Experts of the Ministry of Health told parents about five important rules for walking in January, observance of which will allow to avoid colds and viral diseases in children.

First rule: dress warmly, but not enough to make the child sweat on the street. If active games are planned on the air, too warm clothes are required. If the child is small and sits in the stroller for the duration of the walk, he should be dressed a little warmer than the children who walk themselves. Attention - limbs. It is better for the baby to wear not gloves, but mittens, so hands will keep warm. It is advisable to wear thermosuit on the legs, and choose shoes with membrane protection.

Rule two: set a time limit for a walk. If it's colder outside than minus 18 degrees, it's better to stay at home with the kids. If it is warmer, the walk should be limited to half an hour. Older children should limit their walk to 45 minutes.

Rule Three: Do not let your child eat and drink in the cold. An exception may be a sip of warm tea from a thermos, if the walk is long.

Fourth rule: if the child is sweating, and then froze cold, you should not go anywhere to warm yourself. Disease after such thermal "swing" will be very likely. It is better to take him home immediately and change clothes to dry.

Fifth Rule: stay with your child away from crowded places - in almost all regions of Russia there is a seasonal rise in viral infections, and in a crowd, viruses spread quickly.


