Note to everyone: the British mother came up with a way to teach children how to clean toys

The British mother of many children, Jess McGinty, came up with a way to teach the kids to clean up the toys. It is a bit radical, but very effective and could well be useful as an example for millions of other parents who go crazy because of details of designers, machines, cubes and dolls constantly rolling around in the apartment.

Jess has three children, and the age difference between them is small. All three are in that tender age in which toys are in demand, and therefore they are really everywhere.

Tired of the constant confusion, the mother decided to come up with something that would encourage the kids to independently collect toys and put them in place.

The solution was very simple: multicolored plastic buckets and pots.

For each baby she fixed on a bucket - the eldest blue, the middle one - red and so on. Also were issued and basins by color.

Buckets always stand against the wall and remind you that the consequences can be sad.

If at the end of the game the children do not put their toys in place until the last Circuit, everything that the mother finds on the floor is sent to the colored buckets.

If, before going to bed, the designers and the bears continue to roll in the bucket, after they just go, they are just taken out and thrown away with the daily trash.

Jess notes that at first the child does not take the threat of throwing toys away seriously, but a sufficient fulfillment of the promise and an understanding of the seriousness of the situation and the inevitability of punishment comes.

Thousands of other mothers have already used the method of a large mother, and everyone responds about it with great positiveness. Usually already after a few days the child does not need to be reminded that the toys should be put in place when the game is over. He does it himself.

The Jess method was also appreciated by Internet users; in 5 days they put her post in social networks for more than 40 thousand likes. 27 thousand people rested, and 24 thousand left their comments. Most commentators expressed their admiration simplicity and accessibility of the method.


