Childish passions - will the ban on toy weapons help?

Curious news came from Pakistan. There in the province of Sindh at the legislative level banned produce, sell, buy and use toy guns, machine guns and gunsThis is what the Express Tribune is about.

It was decided to take such measures after law enforcement officers stated that children's toy guns are often used. in the real adult crimes. In addition, authorities said that children who play with machine guns and blasters, accustomed to cruelty.

Observance of the ban is now monitored not only by the police, but also by the Pakistani special services. Violation of the law will be followed by punishment in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Republic.

Earlier in Russia also discussed the possibility of a similar ban. In 2015, members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation demanded that such measures be introduced in our country. Then the initiative was not supported by members of the Association of the industry of children's goods.

According to statistics, about 10% of all raids and robberies in Russia are made using children's pistols, like two drops of water similar to real ones.

The ban on child weapons operates in the US states of New York and New Jersey, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo.

Manufacturers of such toys in Russia argue that the ban is impractical because it does not matter what child is playing a toy, because he can choose the role not the aggressor, but the defender. From this point of view, plastic pistols and machine guns, like swords with sabers, are an important element of patriotic education.


