Maternal instinct: a resident of Britain breastfeeds a schoolgirl daughter to protect her from disease

A resident of the UK 29-year-old Emma Hudson has chosen an unusual method of disease prevention for her daughter.

She continues breastfeedso that the girl does not become infected with the typical "childhood" diseases, which from time to time undermine the health of her classmates.

Alex is five years old, she is studying in the second grade. In the United Kingdom, it is customary to send children to school from the age of four.

In the mornings, along with his younger brother, who was barely two years old, Alex sucks his mother’s breast for breakfast.

Mother is sure that breast milk is best prophylactic.

The arguments of pediatricians that after three years, children biologically and physiologically do not need breast milk, a caring mother is not convinced. The woman insists that the baby should eat mother’s milk as much as she wants.

Emma does not pay attention to the opinions of others and allows herself to feed the children. even in public.

Ability to continue breastfeeding she believes main achievement in your life.


