Kvass during breastfeeding and nutrition of children


Everyone loves kvass in Russia - both adults and children. It quenches thirst perfectly, it is tasty and healthy. But its use during the breastfeeding period and in childhood raises certain questions. And it is quite reasonable. In this article we will tell you whether you can drink kvass to a nursing mother, and also explain how from this age you can give this drink to children and how much it will be most useful for the child’s body.

About the product

In order to avoid misunderstandings and misunderstandings, from the very beginning it is necessary to agree that it will be a question of home brew, and not what is usually sold in stores under this name. No matter how the manufacturers assure that their product is natural, it is impossible to believe it, because without preservatives or at least a large amount of sugar it would be physically impossible to pour a batch of the drink into bottles and provide it with quite long storage.

Store kvass is neither recommended for children nor for children. We'll talk about the drink, which is quite easy to prepare at home. It was such a brew that was originally a Russian drink, and it is about him that is said when it is said that it is very useful. The benefits are chemical composition. As a result of the fermentation of the wort, special microorganisms appear, which have a beneficial effect on the intestines and digestion processes.

Kvass is rich in amino acids, as well as B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, PP. Also in the drink is calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, such a set of elements necessary for normal blood circulation, for the nervous system. Home-baked yeast does not contain a lot of sugar and has a low calorie content.

The drink is a means of improving immunity, recognized for a long time. Doctors in Russia recommended to drink more kvass to those who were ill. It was believed that the use of the drink makes a person stronger in front of the ailment. And the soldiers in the royal army owed this drink as part of the main food content, especially in wartime.

A large amount of calcium is well reflected in the condition of the teeth and hair. Calcium is useful for children, because their bone tissue is constantly and intensively growing. Grain kvass is especially useful for improving visual functions, as well as for gastritis with low acidity.

Thanks to the B vitamins and their effects on the nervous system, a person who eats a drink begins to sleep better, is less irritable, and is less susceptible to depression. Kvass microorganisms cleanse the intestines and help in the elimination of acne.

The harm of kvass lies in the alcohol content. The drink is tacitly considered to be low alcohol, since in the home-made kvass the alcohol content can reach 1.5-2%. The drink is not recommended for those who have gastritis with high acidity, urolithiasis and severe toxic and infectious lesions of the liver and kidneys.

Can I feed?

Whether to drink kvass when breastfeeding is a very controversial issue. Given the presence of ethyl alcohol, even if in a minimal amount, it is reasonable to assume that it penetrates into breast milk and enters the baby during feeding.

Few people want to drink kvass warm, usually it is cooled, and cold drink does not have the best effect on the process of lactation. And finally, kvass is a carbonated drink, it increases gas formation in the intestines, which will not benefit mother after childbirth.To the kid, increased flatulence, natural to his young age, already causes a lot of suffering. In order not to aggravate colic, do not drink kvass. This is the advice given to women by the famous pediatrician and TV host Dr. Komarovsky.

If you look at these arguments more critically, then the alcohol content in kvass is almost comparable with the same indicator in kefir, but it is recommended to drink kefir. Carbon dioxide in a homemade drink is formed naturally, and therefore attributed to the factors of gas formation would not be entirely correct.

Based on this, a nursing woman has to decide for herself whether to drink kvass or not, perhaps by testing it in practice. If, after half a glass of drunk homemade kvass, a child does not experience allergies, indigestion, or colic for a day, if his behavior remains familiar, then small amounts of kvass can be taken. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of drink. Liters to drink it, of course, is not necessary. But eating okroshka on homemade kvass or drinking a glass in the heat is acceptable.

In the people it is believed that kvass stimulates lactation. The official medicine does not have such data, but does not refute this assertion. The only thing that the nursing mothers warn doctors about is that the drink should be well tolerated by both participants in the breastfeeding process - both the mother and her baby.

From what age give children?

The presence of a small amount of alcohol in the drink automatically excludes the drink from the list of products for baby food. More precisely, it is not recommended at an early age. Neither in a year, nor in 2 years, nor in 4 years kvass should not be given to children. The optimal age when a child can start drinking such a drink is seven years old.

As with any new product, you need to acquaint the child with kvass smoothly, gradually, starting with a single sip. The daily rate for a seven-year-old child is not more than 200 ml.

If you want to give your child a purchase drink, then it is better to purchase a brew of double fermentation. Homemade kvass does not cause harm to the child if the technology of its preparation is observed and in small amounts.

Beginning to give the child kvass, watch how the son or daughter transports the product: if the abdominal distention appears, and the chair turns to light colors, belching appears, it is better to refuse this drink, no matter how useful it is.

Useful tips

Quite often, parents believe that a child, and a nursing mother, can buy kvass from barrels. A draft drink, indeed, is much more useful than bottled, and its shelf life usually does not exceed two days, which indicates its natural composition. But buying kvass from the barrel, you risk, especially in the heat.

The drink requires special storage conditions, the barrel into which it is poured must be perfectly clean. In practice, entrepreneurs do not always pay due attention to the purity of the barrel and the requirements of the temperature regime. As a result, kvass can spoil in a barrel even before the 48 hours specified in the accompanying product documents pass.

Drink even with minimal changes in chemical parameters is a danger to the child, pregnant and nursing, because it can cause severe food poisoning.

The best recipe for kids

If you want to drink fresh and safe kvass and give them a baby drink, learn how to make a drink yourself. That's not difficult.

For a nursing woman and a child over 7 years old, it is better to make yeast-free kvass on rye bread, baked without yeast. From 400 grams of such bread make croutons, dried. In a jar, pour crackers with two liters of water and add 100 grams of sugar. After five days, kvass can strain, cool and drink.

The fact that you can drink nursing mom, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


