What is interesting about the Chinese calendar of conception and is it possible to plan the sex of the child?


The desire to "order" the sex of the unborn child at all times was inherent in women. The gender of the future baby has special meanings for those who are already raising two or more same-sex children and really wants a child of the other sex. On what tricks and hoaxes the fair sex did not go in order to “podgadat” crumbs with the floor: they participated in mysterious rites, wore amulets, drank the blood of calves, sat down on special diets.

Some methods have reached our time - in particular, we are talking about the famous Chinese conception calendar. What is interesting about this calendar, is it possible to believe it and how to use it, we will tell in this material.

History of occurrence: myths and reality

The Chinese conception calendar is a table that allows you to calculate the probability of having a baby of a particular gender depending on the woman’s age at the time of conception. It should be noted that the ancient Chinese culture tenderly treated all sorts of calendars. In the epochs of different imperial dynasties, ordinary Chinese did not take much for what they did without consulting their calendars and without consulting with Lao-shek (teachers and mentors).

Rice was raised on the Chinese lunar calendar for agricultural purposes, marriages were entered into according to the lunar calendar "日历 的", and the names of the children were given in accordance with the calendar patronage of the planets and stars. At the time of fierce battles for territoriality, China needed more warriors and peasants, so the birth of male children was welcomed and was considered a blessing from above. It was at that time, presumably 7 thousand years ago, that the conception calendar originated.

At that time there was no birth control policy, so Chinese women, on average, gave birth to 5–7 children. The rule “one family - one child” was introduced only in the 1970s. And then the ancient calendar was remembered again. All over the world, it is believed that Chinese women - even now, when the rule allowing only one child is canceled - continue to be checked against the table of their ancestors.

Some sources describe that the Chinese calendar, stamped on plates of stone, was discovered near Beijing during archaeological excavations. Ostensibly on the ruins of an ancient temple and managed to find stone tables. This information is taken on faith by all who have little knowledge of the history and culture of China. In fact, in the XIV century, in which supposedly such a calendar appeared, the months of the Gregorian calendar did not exist. All the Chinese lived, raised rice, married and gave birth exclusively on the solar and lunar calendar. Day divided into light and darkness, the sun and the moon, night and day.

The tables, which are now presented as the ancient Chinese, cannot be such, in principle, since they are compiled according to the Gregorian calendar. In Catholic countries, it was introduced in the XVI century, and came to Asia much later. Most likely, the Chinese calendar, which is attributed to an ancient and mysterious origin, is not an old invention, and perhaps not a Chinese one. In addition, there is no evidence of the presence of archaeological finds: not a single museum in the world has the very stone conception tables that many sources cite.

Sometimes you can find a reference to the fact that the tables excavated by unknown archaeologists are at the Institute of Science of Beijing, but there is no such institute in the Chinese capital at all. Those interested can check it in person.

The second version of the origin of the conception calendar states that the manuscripts with tables and the hieroglyphs "??" (son) and "????" (daughter) placed in them were discovered about 600 years ago during excavations and research of the tombs of Chinese emperors. It is believed that the tables were used only by representatives of the ruling dynasties, because for them the birth of a son-heir was a matter of national importance, and the birth of a daughter was sometimes important in terms of entering into state unions on the basis of inter-dynastic marriages.

It should be noted that the Chinese authorities at all times were very reluctant to agree to the excavations of the tombs of the country's rulers. Mostly they are allowed to dig up the burial halls, but not the tombs themselves. Thus, a terracotta army, ancient household items, weapons and coins were discovered in the burial halls. All these funeral halls today are available as tourist sites. But the very resting places of emperors and their families in China are inviolable, they are protected by religion and law. Therefore, this version looks very implausible.

In the end, the Chinese themselves categorically disown the method, claiming that they always used other methods and did not see the calendar on the Gregorian basis. But, according to China’s religious teachings, there is some connection between the age of a woman and the sex of her children. True, it refers to the lunar age, and not for the last mortal life, but for the last few reincarnations. You must admit that few of those who are planning a pregnancy clearly remember who he was in his past life and how many years he died!

In general, if you do not go into inconsistencies and dubious moments in the history of this method, we can safely say that the conception calendar has a right to exist. Let's take a look at how it works and whether planning the sex of a child according to these tables is effective.

Efficiency and accuracy of the method

From the point of view of official medicine, the sex of the child does not depend on the age of the mother, the date of birth of the father, the schedule of basal temperature, the horoscope for the day, the update of the blood of the spouses and other factors and tricks. The only thing that affects the sex of the baby is the type of sperm that fertilizes the female egg. In other words, a boy will be born or a girl, 100 percent depends only on the man.

During ejaculation, spermatozoa of both types enter the genital tract of the woman: some carry the genetic set XX, others - XY. If the sperm of the twentieth century gets to the egg cell first, a girl will be born. If the fertilization is carried out by XY carrier, then a boy will be born with one hundred percent probability. Both types of sperm are in absolutely equal conditions: they have the same speed of movement, the same ability to survive. All other characteristics of cells of different types are also identical.

Thus, it is possible to plan whom to conceive, only by being fully confident that a spermatozoid of a certain type will fertilize an egg cell. This opportunity is currently provided exclusively by assisted reproductive methods: ICSI, IVF. Only a laboratory technician, if necessary, can select the desired cell from the father’s biological material and perform artificial fertilization. Such a need may arise only if the spouses cannot, for objective reasons, give birth to a child of a certain sex. For example, a mother is a carrier of the hemophilia gene, which only boys are sick. This pair needs only a girl. Conceive her will help in the laboratory.

With natural fertilization, it is impossible to predict the probability of having a baby of a certain sex. The probability is always accurate, it is estimated strictly 50/50.And no method: neither the Chinese calendar, nor the conception of ovulation, nor the choice of the day by the blood renewal method - can guarantee a shift of this proportion by at least half a percent to the greater or lesser side.

Is it worth talking about special diets, which, by the way, are also attributed to the Chinese, the Japanese, and even the Scandinavians? Knowing that the sex of the baby depends only on the father, there is no reason to believe that the type of food of the mother and the products she uses can at least somehow affect the outcome of fertilization.

In defense of the Chinese calendar and justice, we note that the age of the mother, although it does not affect the sex of the child, but predisposes to certain nuances. So, a woman over the age of 35 has higher chances to conceive and give birth to twins, and women who decide to become mothers after 40 years, higher chances to give birth to a boy, provided that her husband is also at least 40 years old. Age increases the risk of developing pathologies in the baby, and this is due to the natural age-related aging of the egg and sperm.

Otherwise, the Chinese calendar is a great way to tell fortunes, exactly the same as the coffee grounds, candle wax poured into the water, card solitaire. Accuracy of the Chinese calendar floor planning method - 50%, which means that half of the women who are planning to conceive a child according to these tables will surely get exactly the way they want. However, in the second half of women, the child will definitely get the opposite sex.

Women planning a pregnancy may try to get to the truth on their own. They are sure to find articles and materials on the Internet (even on highly respected services), claiming that the accuracy of the Chinese conception calendar exceeds 85–90%.

A large percentage of discrepancies in such publications are most often justified by the fact that a calendar suitable for the Chinese may not be entirely suitable for Europeans.

In the anatomy of Chinese women and men, there is nothing different from the anatomy of Russians, and, as we have already learned, the Chinese hardly have anything to do with the creation of this calendar.

How to use?

If you still decide to try to plan the floor using the Chinese calendar, you need to know exactly how to use it. Existing instructions indicate that the calendar may mean not the calendar, but the moon age of the woman. The lunar age is counted from the month of her conception. For example, a woman is now 25, then according to the lunar calendar she is already 25 years and 10 months old if she was born just in time, not earlier. If a woman is 25 years old and 6 months old according to the usual calendar, then the Chinese table should look for the number 26, since it corresponds to her lunar age (26 years and 4 months).

It is important to understand that pregnancy lasts not nine lunar months, but ten or exactly 40 weeks. That is why to the actual age of the fair sex add not 9, but exactly 10.

Thus, the first thing you need to know your lunar age. If the planning woman does not know at what stage of the pregnancy she herself was born, it is important to find out by talking with close relatives.

To make things clearer, let's consider an example: a woman was born seven months old, at the time of the alleged conception of her own child, she was exactly 23 years and 5 months old. Its true age is calculated as follows: (7 + 5) = 12. For 23 years, we add the received 12 months, we get 24 years exactly.

In the table we find the column "Age" and the number 24.

Now we estimate the estimated month of conception and we see that for a woman who is exactly 24 years old (taking into account lunar months), when conceived in January there is a high probability of having a boy, and in February a girl. Conceived in March and April, children, according to the Chinese calendar, are more likely to be boys, and conception in May gives the probability of the birth of a daughter, etc.

Different calendars have different designs (this definitely has nothing to do with the ingenuity and artistic abilities of the Chinese): in some at the intersection of the age and month of conception there is a specific letter “M” or “D”, which means “boy” or “girl”, others - the rectangle at the intersection is simply painted in pink or blue. To understand this is quite simple.

What else needs to be considered? Yes, only that conception usually falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and it’s not at all the fact that the cycle that began in February ends exactly in February. With menstruation in the second half of February, it is possible to wait for conception only at the beginning of March, and therefore it is important to focus not on the beginning of a new cycle, but on a specific ovulation date and look in the table not February, but March.

Father's data: his age, blood type and other information - for using the Chinese conception calendar and gender planning is not required at all.

We already know for sure that conception is impossible without a father, and the sex of the child is entirely his merit. Therefore, the Chinese calendar is not seriously considered by any doctor and more or less educated and understanding the mechanisms of conceiving a child by man.


Those who wish to get to the truth after all will be able to find on the Internet a huge amount of feedback on the method of planning the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar. If you carefully read them, you get about two equal groups, which confirms the low accuracy of the method - no more than 50%. The appearance of the Chinese conception calendar has become overgrown with beautiful legends and myths thanks to our contemporaries, alas, not very well acquainted with the culture and history of China itself.

Our contemporaries also provided this calendar with wonderful properties. If the sex of the child is very important, then you should contact your obstetrician-gynecologist and reproductive specialist to find out if you have the opportunity to resort to assisted reproductive techniques if necessary.

Reasonable parents take the sex of a child for granted, as a gift of fate - they love both boys and girls with the same force and trembling. In the end, we recall the common saying: “The main thing is to be healthy!”.

On whether you can plan the sex of the child and how to do it, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


