How to put a diaper on the baby?


With the advent of diapers, the life of parents has become much easier, because there is no need to wash dozens of diapers in a day, wait until they dry out, and rush to iron. Pampers solved many problems, but the process of using them for some leaves a number of questions. Future parents need to know exactly how to use these personal hygiene products of the child, and older people will not be superfluous and instruction manual to properly wear and remove diapers.

Terms of use and frequency of replacement

Young parents who are preparing for the first child should take care of a large number of things needed by the baby after birth. At home there should be a bed of suitable dimensions with soft protection inside, a bath for bathing in which you will need to wash the baby every day. In addition, you need to take care of the wardrobe of the first child, buying only clothes made from natural materials and suitable for age.

The choice of diapers is the most important stage, because it is the essential tool for the baby. The modern market offers a huge number of brands for children of different ages and genders. They have certain differences, which are not always possible to find out before purchasing a product. Since diapers are now quite expensive, then the choice should be taken carefully. It is important for the newborn to buy hypoallergenic and very soft diapers, so that they do not cause allergies and do not interfere with the movement of the baby’s feet.

Once the procedure for selecting the appropriate brand is completed, you should pay attention to the age range, which is often calculated in kilograms recruited by the baby. A separate line of diapers are available for newborns, which must be bought first.

Not all parents know exactly how to understand when it is worth changing a diaper to a child, which is what causes most skin problems in the form of irritations, rashes and dermatitis. There is a basic rule that baby should not be kept in a diaper for more than 4 hours, During this time, it fills up quite strongly, and the stool has a negative effect on the skin. As soon as the child has gone over large, it is necessary to change his clothes immediately, without delay, because the feces are especially dangerous for the delicate skin of the newborn.

Being interested in taking care of a child, mom and dad should know exactly about the sequence of actions that need to be done each time, changing the diaper. Children with sensitive skin are recommended to apply a specialized protective cream under the diaper or use powder. In the case of diaper filling with urine, it is better to thoroughly wipe the child’s body with a damp cloth, but if possible, it is better to rinse and dry with a wetting motion so as not to disturb the integrity of the skin.

If the child has emptied the intestines, then it must be wiped with a damp cloth and must be undermined using baby soap. This is especially important in relation to girls, as the fecal masses, if not washed in time, penetrate the genitals and provoke unwanted irritations, which leads to negative consequences.

Using diapers greatly simplifies baby care, but conscious parents need to know how to choose the right personal hygiene products for their child, how to wear it and how often to change it so that there are no problems.In the case of the wrong choice of diapers on the skin, redness or rash may appear, to which you need to respond immediately and immediately change the brand of diapers. Manufacturers use a different composition of the filler, which may not be suitable for a particular child, causing an allergic reaction.

Preparatory actions

In order to carry out the replacement of diapers, it is important to first get acquainted with how this should be done. Of course, there is nothing difficult in the procedure, and you can intuitively guess what is what, but it is better to listen to the opinions of pediatricians and experts, to see how others cope with this task in order to fully approach the process.

To replace a full diaper with a clean one, be successful, you need to take care of the necessary things that should be at hand:

  • pampers;
  • moisture absorbing diaper, which can be both disposable and reusable;
  • cream under pampers or powder;
  • spare set of clothes;
  • towel or bed sheet in case of rubbing the baby after washing;
  • wet wipes to clean the skin of the child.

If you want the procedure to be quick and pleasant for the child, it is worth holding it in the same place, so it will become customary for the crumbs. In this case, you can use songs or distracting elements: toys, rattles.

Selecting a place for swaddling, you first need to think about the safety of the child, who after a few months will begin to actively move, and in another six months will spin, and try to get up. To avoid the risk of falling from a height, it is better to dress diapers on the parent bed, which has a small height and plenty of space for everything you need.

Sometimes dressing up causes hysteria in a child. It is important to stroke him, hug him and hug, talk and set up for the upcoming procedure. During the replacement of the diaper, the mother should constantly talk to the child, because it gives him a feeling of confidence, he is calm, not crying. After a month or two, the crumb already understands what is happening to him, and is much more relaxed about the procedures, which makes life easier for parents.

Step-by-step instruction

Modern parents can easily put a diaper on a child, but without preliminary preparation and understanding of exactly what needs to be done, questions may arise. Most often, parents and those who follow the baby wear a diaper on the wrong side, which has little effect on the child, but still causes a number of inconveniences.

In order not to make a mistake and do everything right, you need to follow the following sequence of actions.

  • Constantly monitor the time of changing the diaper, so as not to overdo the baby in the diaper. Negligence of this kind can lead to inflammation of the pelvic organs in both girls and boys, the appearance of diaper rash and other undesirable effects on the skin.
  • A parent should know exactly what size of diapers his child is wearing. Whenever possible, fathers and mothers try to purchase these personal hygiene products of the child in the required quantities, and if there are stocks, they can take packages for growth. The desired size provides the convenience of the child and full protection against leakage.
  • For the process of replacing diapers, it is necessary to put it on a bed or other surface that is safe for the child, a moisture-absorbing diaper.
  • So that the process of replacing a dirty diaper is fast, everything necessary is put near the diaper: several clean diapers, wet wipes, cream and powder.
  • If the child is crying and it is obvious that it is time to change his clothes, you need to take the baby, take off his lower part of clothes, place them on the back on a prepared diaper, while talking to him in a pleasant and gentle voice.
  • On the sides of the diaper there are clasps that you need to unfasten and open it, appreciating what you have to deal with. If you need to undermine the child, it is better to wipe him beforehand with napkins, removing all the main feces, twist the old diapers and put aside.
  • It is necessary to wash children in different ways, girls are put their back on the hand, holding the leg, and wash the genitals and buttocks using baby soap. All movements are smooth and neat. After the adoption of small bath procedures, it is necessary to wrap the baby in a towel or bed sheet, and carry it to the diaper for subsequent replacement of the diaper. As for the boys, they are washed differently, the child is located on the parent’s belly, so that water flows from the buttocks to the genitals. It is important that everything is well and thoroughly cleaned so that nothing is left that could harm the health of the child. The rest of the procedure is the same as in the care of girls.
  • When the child is clean, you need to wipe it off and allow the skin to dry on its own, this will allow the skin to rest from the diapers and breathe, which is very useful. If possible, such procedures should be carried out for up to an hour.
  • When the skin is fully prepared, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of protective cream under the diaper on it or use powder, which is pounded on the area where the diaper is. Only after that you can wear a new diaper.
  • To dress the child quickly and without whims, you need to take his legs with one hand and lift up, tearing off the ass and part of the back of the diaper, where to quickly put the unfolded diaper. As soon as everything is in place, the legs go down, and the second part of the diaper rises in front and is fixed with fasteners on the tummy.
  • To make it more comfortable for the child to lie in the diaper, after dressing it is necessary to fix it, conveniently positioning it between the legs, which is important for boys because of the characteristics of their physiology and the need for a certain space in front of the diaper.

After the diaper is changed, you need to put on the lower part of the clothes and continue the rest of the childcare activities. If the first few times may be awkward, then with experience the process of disguising a child will become simple and fast.

Tips for parents

When planning the purchase of diapers for your child, you should listen to the opinions of all those familiar with children, pediatricians and other specialists to determine the range of firms that can be trusted. Proven and certified products are less dangerous, especially when it comes to children's health. You should not immediately order large packs, it is better to ask a few diapers for a sample from a friend, to order a test to make sure that a particular child does not have an allergy to a particular type and brand of diapers.

Parents should take care of what size to buy for the baby. As soon as the pampers begin to button up with difficulty or the occurrence of this protective agent increases, it is worthwhile to acquire a larger size in order to solve the problem. For young parents or people of a more mature generation, manufacturers have provided certain clues that do not allow to be mistaken with exactly how you need to wear a diaper on the crumbs. On the front there is a strip with pictures of a different plan, which serves as the belt on which the diapers are fastened.

In order that the use of these hygiene products does not bring discomfort to the child, it is important not only to change them in time, but also to wear them correctly.

After the diaper is worn, it is worth checking how tightly it has sat down, it is important that it does not pinch the tummy, otherwise the child will have bloating and colic, which will ensure a sleepless night for the parents. Compliance with all the rules and regulations for the use of diapers will make the parents less loaded and the child happier.

On how to properly put a diaper on a newborn baby, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


