How to properly accustom the boy to the pot?


Despite the fact that diapers, rather than diapers, are now actively used, many parents are eagerly awaiting the moment when their child begins to grow up. In the second year of life one of the stages of education is to accustom the child to the pot. Special difficulties, as the practice of many young parents shows, arise when it is necessary to teach a boy to the potty. It must be remembered that such a task is quite feasible, the main thing is to show patience.

Main aspects

Initially, it is worth noting that the process of teaching a child new skills for him should be based on generalized experience. For example, you can think about how to motivate a child. You also need to understand how important the process of adherence to the training schedule. If it is violated, do not hope for the possibility of quickly getting rid of diapers.

At the initial stage it is necessary to wait for signs indicating the boy’s readiness to use the pot. Despite the fact that there is no unanimous opinion among pediatricians and child psychologists regarding the age of a child suitable for education, most specialists agree that schooling should start at the age of 1.5-2 years.

The best option is to draw attention to a number of features that signal the boy's readiness for such radical changes for him. Consider the most significant of them.

Features of the physiological nature

The point is that a child who is ready to learn must release the amount of fluid needed for his age, have formed as well as quite predictable bowel movements, and remain dry for at least 2 hours (for example, during daytime sleep).

Of particular importance is the correct coordination of movements, it is important that the baby walked and ran without additional effort.

Signs of behavior

If a boy is ready to learn such a specific type, he should be able to sit quietly in one place for at least several minutes. It is also important that the child has all the skills that help to remove, as well as wear pants. Many parents point out that a boy can signal his desire to defeat a need by showing certain signs (as a rule, in each case they are strictly individual) and demonstrating an aversion to the dirty diaper. There is also interest in toilet procedures that are available to adults.

Cognitive signs

The boy must necessarily have an idea as to what actions are performed by adults when visiting the toilet room. If the child has a corresponding interest, you can tell him in more detail about all the features in an understandable language.

Earlier, attention was drawn to the fact that the child will use the pot only if there are appropriate motivating factors. One of them can be considered the presence of a beautiful pot. Therefore, each parent, distinguished by a serious desire to teach the child to visit the pot, should be concerned about this issue.

In addition to external attractiveness, it is necessary to focus attention on both psychological and physical comfort. It should be noted that the child should feel comfortable and independent. Some boys do not want to change their habits due to the fact that they are afraid of falling into the toilet and do not feel in a stable position.

It is important to choose the model of the pot, sitting on which, the baby will be able to feel the defined surface with the legs. This will reduce severe anxiety.

As for the additional parameters, adults need to pay attention to them.

For example, recently the pots having a ledge for urine are very popular. Due to the presence of this element, it is realistic to protect the floor from splashing liquid. It must be remembered that if the object itself is not made with high quality, the child may have negative associations, which will create problems in the future in an effort to accustom him to the pot as quickly as possible. Some models are equipped with removable elements that prevent splashing.

Choosing a pot, you need to focus not only on your own wishes and budget, but also on the interests of the child. Child psychologists point out that only if a child shows an interest in one or another variant of the pot, one can hope that after a completely short period of time it will be possible to achieve the desired result.

One of the conditions for effective training of the son to the pot is to ensure their prior acquaintance. For example, you can leave this device among the toys. Thus, the child will initially demonstrate interest, sit on it, understand that there is nothing wrong with using it.

Another trick that is permissible to use is the "personalization" of the pot. It is permissible, using a marker, to write the name of the baby or to come up with a new object with a specific name (just like your favorite toys), to glue your favorite picture. Many parents do not allow the child to sit on the pot in clothes and make one of the most common mistakes.

Both the mom and dad of the child must have a clear idea that the transition in question is a long, very intense and continuous process. Everything will turn out only under the condition that all these actions will not be interrupted.

What to do?

Training in subtleties of urination in boys is recommended to start after reaching 2 years. In the event that every trip to the toilet ends in hysterics, psychological pressure cannot be put on the child, as this can be fraught with an even greater complication of the situation. It is necessary to elaborate on the rules that will help cope with schooling.

  • For each boy, the unquestionable authority is the father (or another close relative who can be trusted, for example, grandfather, elder brother). For this reason, it is desirable that all basic skills are initially demonstrated to them.
  • Every time you urinate, you need to raise the pot closer to the boy’s genitals so that it is convenient for him to get into the container. Gradually, the distance between the children's toilet and the body of the child must be reduced.
  • One of the effective options is to purchase a removable children's urinal, which should be installed at the maximum height acceptable to the child.
  • It is necessary to install a small hill near the toilet (provided that it must be sufficiently stable) in order for the kid to be as comfortable as possible to cope with his need and not to depend on adults.
  • It is best to conduct training in the warm season, when the child is dressed quite easily. Otherwise, you may encounter a number of problems due to the presence of many things. At the initial stages it is necessary to help the child.
  • Many parents note that boys like to pee on weed the most. That is why all the relevant procedures are recommended during the outdoor recreation.

To teach a boy to write while standing, you need not only to show how this is done. For each successful stage, it is recommended to praise the child, to tell him that he did everything correctly. But you can not blame for failures, because the kid does it unconsciously.

Important: if you decide to start training, use diapers only while walking. Nobody will like wet pants at home, and the child will have an additional incentive to learn a new skill as soon as possible.

Thus, despite its apparent simplicity, the boy’s schooling process to write while standing has a significant amount of nuances that must be taken into account.

Primary Schooling

The process of training a boy to the pot can be started taking into account individual characteristics from an earlier age, for example, from 8 months. However, in this case it is necessary to take into account the whole set of features.

In order to maximize performance, it is recommended to begin to teach in the warm season. This is because there is the possibility of walking without diapers. You can also use the option when the pot is taken with you for a walk and put in the most appropriate place for it. Such actions can be practiced only when the child is not afraid of certain places and is not shy about strangers. Otherwise, there is a chance to inflict psychological trauma on the baby.

Small children are quite sensitive to temperature changes. That is why it is necessary that the pot was pleasant for perception. Prefer items made of plastic. Considering that a child under one year old can be quite picky, it is extremely important to have two pots. In this case, there is an effect that resembles interaction with toys.

Since the pot is perceived by many children as a toy, it is best to offer options for selection. Naturally, such a step requires significant material costs, but take it as a kind of payment in pursuit of the desire to ensure the rapid maturing of the child.

A couple of days before leaving the baby without a diaper, you need to remember the approximate time when he feces and urination frequency. It is also important to pay attention to how the expression of basic emotions occurs.

How and when to teach children to the pot, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


