Reglan for children: instructions for use


Adults often take "Reglan" for vomiting or severe nausea. Such a drug is in demand both in functional disorders and in the treatment of various diseases of the digestive system, for example, in gastritis. This medicine is also used in children, but it has some limitations in use, therefore, it is impossible to give such a drug to a child without a doctor's prescription.

Release form

"Tserukal" is made in two forms. The first is the injection solution, which is sold in 2 ml of colorless glass ampoules. One pack contains 10 ampoules, and the solution itself is colorless and completely transparent.

The second form is the pill. This "TSerukal" sold in glass bottles of 50 tablets. They have a smooth flat surface, round shape and white color, and on one side there is a risk. In the form of capsules, suspensions, suppositories, drops, chewable tablets or syrup, this drug is not produced.


The main component of both forms of "Cerucal" is metoclopramide. It is contained in the drug in the form of monohydrate hydrochloride. If we take into account the content of the active form, then the dosage of the active substance in one tablet is 10 mg, and in one ml of solution - 5 mg, that is, in one ampoule also contains 10 mg.

Sodium chloride and edetate disodium can be seen among the auxiliary ingredients of the injectable form. The solution also contains water for injection and sodium sulfite. The inactive components of “Cerucal” in tablets are magnesium stearate and gelatin. These substances are supplemented with milk sugar, silica and potato starch.

Operating principle

At "Cerukal" they note a specific effect on dopamine receptors in the brain, which are concentrated in the vomiting center. After absorption into the bloodstream and passing through the blood-brain barrier, this medicine is able to block them, as well as reduce the sensitivity of the nerves responsible for conducting nerve impulses from receptors in the digestive tract to the brain. Thanks to these effects, the drug helps stop vomiting, eliminate nausea or hiccups.

Influencing the parasympathetic part of the nervous system and the hypothalamus, medication also affects the motor activity and the state of the muscles of the gastric walls, including the digestive sphincters in the upper GI tract. The result of this effect will be an increase in the tone of the stomach and intestinal duodenum, the acceleration of the movement of food from the stomach into the small intestine. The drug prevents the food mass from being thrown into the esophagus or stomach, but the drug does not provoke diarrhea.

The Cerucal also has an effect on the biliary tract. The use of such a drug helps to normalize the secretion of bile, because under his influence the sphincter of Oddi relaxes, and dyskinesia of the gallbladder is eliminated.

The effect of the accepted tablet "Cerucala" begins to develop after about one hour, and the effect of the drug administered intramuscularly appears after 10-15 minutes. If the patient is injected with a solution in a vein, its effect is evident already after 1-2 minutes. The method of application affects the duration of the therapeutic effect of the drug. After intravenous injection, “Zerukal” acts for about 30 minutes, after intramuscular injection - for about 2 hours, and after taking the tablet form - for about 6 hours.


"TSerukal" most often used for vomiting or nausea, provoked by various factors. For example, this medicine is used:

  • with liver diseases;
  • with traumatic brain injury;
  • when taking cytotoxic drugs, antibiotics or other drugs;
  • for violations in the diet;
  • with radiation therapy;
  • with renal failure.

In addition, "TSerukal" claimed:

  • by reducing the tone of the walls of the stomach and intestines (hypotension or atony), for example, after surgery;
  • with reflux disease;
  • with functional spasm of the pyloric muscles;
  • with biliary dyskinesia;
  • with paresis of the stomach, which arose in a patient with diabetes mellitus;
  • with a peptic ulcer or gastritis (the drug is included in the treatment complex).

The drug in the form of injections is also used in the examination of the digestive system, for example, during a radiopaque examination or duodenal intubation. With such procedures, “Tsirukal” accelerates the advancement of food and enhances peristalsis, and also relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract, which facilitates the implementation of manipulation and helps to obtain more accurate results.

From what age is appointed?

In the form of injections, “Zerukal” can be used in children over 2 years of age, since the liquid form allows for the exact dosage of the active substance of the drug. At the same time, for children aged two to 14 years, injections are used only as prescribed by a doctor, and if any side effects occur, the medication is immediately canceled. Most often, these injections are used as an emergency tool that helps to stop vomiting, hiccups or nausea of ​​various origins.

Tableted drug is not used in the treatment of patients younger than 14 years of age. This is associated not only with the solid form (problems with ingestion), but also with a high risk of overdose.

If vomiting or severe nausea occurs in a child under 2 years old, giving him "Zerukal" is prohibited. In such a situation, the right decision will be to call an ambulance.


The drug should not be used in children with hypersensitivity to metoclopramide or another component of the selected form of "Cerucal." It is also contraindicated:

  • in case of serious gastrointestinal pathologies such as bleeding from the stomach wall, intestinal perforation or intestinal obstruction;
  • with pheochromocytoma (the drug may cause hypertensive crisis) or prolactin-dependent tumors (the drug stimulates prolactin synthesis);
  • with extrapyramidal movement disorders and epilepsy.

If a small patient has high blood pressure, asthma is diagnosed, or the liver is impaired, the drug should be used only under the supervision of a physician. Caution also requires the appointment of "Cerucal" to children with hypersensitivity to procaine. If a child has kidney disease, then depending on the degree of dysfunction of their function, the dosage of the medicine is reduced. If vomiting is provoked by problems with the vestibular apparatus, "Zeercal" is not prescribed because of its inefficiency.

Side effects

Treatment with “Cerucul” can affect the nervous system of a child, for example, cause fear, depression, tinnitus, twitching of the muscles of the face, dizziness and other disorders. At very high doses, parkinsonism and various extrapyramidal disorders may develop.

Sometimes the medication provokes diarrhea, dry mouth or constipation. Occasionally, with the use of "Cerucal", the indicators of blood pressure change or agranulocytosis develops.

The appearance of any adverse symptoms should be the reason for going to a doctor who decides on the further use of the medicine or selects a suitable analogue.

Instructions for use

The drug in tablets should be taken before meals (about half an hour) and drink a lot of water in a volume of 100-200 ml. Breaking the medicine or grinding it in any other way is not recommended. "Tserukal" injections can be entered in two ways:

  • Intramuscularly. With this method, the injection is performed in a place where the muscular tissue is well developed (shoulder, hip, buttock). In addition, the injection site is periodically changed to prevent local adverse reactions.
  • In the vein. Usually the drug is injected in this way, but the injection should be slow. Also sometimes prescribed droppers for 15 minutes. To do this, the required dose of "Cerucal" is dissolved in 50 ml of 5% glucose solution or 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

The acceptable dosage of “Cerucal” for children who are not yet fourteen years old is calculated by body weight. Usually, the drug in the solution is prescribed for the children at the rate of 0.1 mg / kg. Injections are given 1 to 4 times a day, and the maximum dosage may be 0.5 mg / kg. For example, a child's weight is 20 kg, then at one time he needs 2 mg of metoclopramide (0.1x20), which corresponds to 0.4 ml of solution, and 10 mg of medication (0.5x20) per day is acceptable for such a patient, i.e. one ampoule.

The dosages of “Cerucal” for a teenager over the age of 14 will be slightly higher, but they differ from adult doses. If injections are used, 10 mg of the active substance is administered to this patient at a time, which corresponds to 1 ampoule. Such injections are done one to three times a day.

When prescribed in adolescence of a solid form in a single dosage, there is either half a tablet (it is carefully divided according to risk) and the whole tablet. The frequency of admission, unlike adults, is no more than 3 times a day. The maximum single dosage for a teenager 14-18 years old is 10 mg (one tablet or one ampoule), and daily dosage is 30 mg (three tablets or 6 ml of solution).

How long to use "Zeercal" in a child, the doctor must determine. Sometimes the treatment lasts only a few days until the condition improves, and in some pathologies the duration of use may be 4-6 weeks or several months (up to half a year).

If the drug is prescribed before the study of the upper digestive tract, then it is used once - 10 minutes before the procedure. A 2–13-year-old child is given a slow intravenous injection (the solution is administered within one to two minutes) at a dose of 0.1 mg / kg, and a teenager over the age of 14 is slowly injected into the vein with 10 or 20 mg of the active substance — a solution of one or two ampoules .


A very large dose of "Cerucal" can lead to drowsiness, irritability, confusion, motor and other disorders of the nervous system. In addition, excess dosage can affect the heart rate (cause bradycardia) and blood pressure (it may increase or decrease). If the poisoning is mild, then after the cancellation of "Cerucal" all the symptoms go away within 24 hours.

For more severe overdose, symptomatic therapy and monitoring of vital signs are recommended.

Compatibility with other drugs

"Zerukal" in the solution should not be mixed with drugs for infusion, in which the alkaline environment. Under the action of Cerukal, the effect of anticholinesterase drugs is reduced, and the absorption of cimetidine, paracetamol, some antibiotics, digoxin, levodopa and lithium preparations is enhanced. When combined with drugs that inhibit the central nervous system, their effect on the brain will be stronger.

If you assign "Tsirukal" together with neuroleptics, the risk of extrapyramidal disorders will increase. When treated with "Cerucul", the effectiveness of antihistamines may decrease. If this drug is used with hepatotoxic drugs, the likelihood of liver damage increases. When applied simultaneously with vitamin B1, a rapid breakdown of thiamine is observed.

Terms of sale

To buy any of the forms of "Cerucal" in a pharmacy, you need to submit a prescription from a doctor, so consulting a gastroenterologist, pediatrician or another doctor is required. The average price of one package of solution for injections is 220-230 rubles, and one bottle with tablets - 120 rubles.

Storage conditions

Keep vials of solution or a jar of pills at home should be kept in a place hidden from direct sunlight at a temperature of up to +30 degrees. The drug should be stored so that it could not reach the small children.

Shelf life and injectable form "Cerucala", and tablets - 5 years. If it has expired (it is important to check the date on the box), the use of the drug is unacceptable. The solution from the opened ampoule should be used within 15-30 minutes. Keep it until the next injection can not be.


On the use of "Cerukula" in children there are a lot of good reviews. They call the drug effective and note that it helped get rid of flatulence, vomiting, hiccups, severe nausea and other unpleasant symptoms caused by eating disorders, rotavirus, medication and other factors.

According to the mothers, the injections quickly normalized the condition of the young patients, which made it possible to give the child water, rehydration solutions and other medicines. Among the minuses of "Cerukal" in some reviews mention adverse reactions, because of which the drug had to be canceled.


If there is no opportunity to purchase "Zeercal", it can be replaced "Metoclopramide". This drug is produced in the same forms and is used for the same indications. It, as well as "Tsirukal", is prescribed from 2 years of age, but given to small patients only under the supervision of a physician. But, unlike "Cerucal", the cost of "Metoclopramide" is much less - for 50 tablets of this medication you need to pay an average of 30 rubles, and 10 ampoules cost about 60 rubles.

In case of intolerance to metoclopramide, the doctor may prescribe instead of “Cerucal” another drug with an antiemetic effect, for example, “Domperidone". Such coated tablets also affect dopamine receptors, but mainly peripheral ones. They can be given to children older than 5 years old and weighing more than 20 kg. Analogues of this medication are drugs "Passazhiks", "Motilium», «Motilak"," Domestal "," Motonium "and others.

          In addition to the coated tablets, they are also produced in the form of chewable tablets, and "Motilium"Additionally represented by the infant form - suspension, which is allowed to use from birth.

          About what to do with vomiting in a child, see the following video.

          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


