Kagotsel for children: instructions for use


Approaching the season of viral infections is alarming for many mothers who want to protect their son or daughter from the flu and colds. That is why in the autumn-winter period there is an increased demand for antiviral drugs, which include Kagocel.

How does such a drug affect the child's body and does it bring harm? Is it allowed to give it to young children, for example, less than a year? Is such a drug used for prophylactic purposes and what medicines can it be replaced if necessary?

Release form

Kagocel has been produced by the domestic company Niarmedic Plus since 2003 only in pill form. Syrups, capsules, powders, ampoules and other forms of the drug are not produced.

There is also no separate child form of medication. Kagocel tablets have one dosage for all ages, and depending on the purpose of use and the age of the patient, only the dosage regimen, the number of tablets per dose and the duration of use of the drug change.

Characteristics of the tablets are white-brown in color, round shape, the presence of brown patches. One pack may contain 10, 20, or 30 such tablets. Children often buy the smallest package, because it is enough for one course of treatment, and for several weeks of prophylactic administration.


The active ingredient of the drug is called kagotsel, which caused the name of the tablets. Such a synthetic compound is obtained through the fusion of plant molecules with nanopolymer molecules and is represented by a dosage of 12 mg per tablet. In addition, the compounds in the drug is calcium stearate, potato starch, crospovidone, lactose monohydrate, and povidone. All these additional substances are considered harmless, but in some babies they provoke allergies, so it is important for mothers of children with allergies to know the composition of any medication.

And now we will listen to the pediatrician concerning the drug Kagocel.

Operating principle

The drug is referred to as antiviral drugs, since Kagocel has the property to activate the production of alpha and beta interferon. These substances have a fairly strong antiviral activity, so they are synthesized in the human body during the immune response to a viral attack. The drug stimulates almost all cells of the immune system - B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, T-cells and others.

Taking Kagocel has such an effect:

  • Strengthens the body's defenses;
  • Restores immunity;
  • Accelerates the death of infectious agents;
  • Blocks the multiplication of viral cells;
  • Resists formation of diseased cells.

The maximum level of interferon is noted in the patient's blood 48 hours after taking a single dose of Kagocel. Interferons produced in response to the use of the drug circulate up to 4-5 days in the bloodstream.

The drug itself penetrates the liver, lungs, spleen, lymph nodes and other organs. Most of the medication leaves the patient after 7 days, mostly with fecal masses. Only 10% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys, so the diseases of this organ do not affect the use of Kagocel.

The drug does not have a toxic effect and does not accumulate, and the greatest effect of its use is noted in situations where treatment is started in the first 3-4 days of an infectious disease. If the pill is used for prophylaxis, they can be drunk at any time, including the period after direct contact with a sick person, which releases viruses.


Kagocel is prescribed for ARVI, herpes, flu and other diseases caused by viruses. This drug is in demand in the treatment of angina, laryngitis, bronchitis and other diseases, if their cause is a viral infection. In addition, it can be prescribed as part of a complex treatment of rotavirus or enterovirus infection. The drug is also used to prevent infection with influenza viruses, rhinoviruses and other causative agents of acute respiratory infections.

And now we will listen to Dr. Komarovsky about children's acute respiratory infections and ARVI.

At what age is it allowed to take?

In pediatrics, Kagocel is used in children over 3 years old. Younger children (for example, if the child is only 2 years old) are not recommended to give this medicine. But even at the age of 3-5 years and older, self-treatment of Kagocel should not be involved. Before treatment with any antiviral agents, you should consult with a pediatrician to clarify whether there is really evidence for such therapy.


The drug should not be taken:

  • Children who have intolerance to any of its ingredients.
  • Kids with glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  • Small patients with a lack of lactase.
  • Adults in the period of childbearing and breastfeeding.

Side effects

As with the treatment of many other drugs, the use of Kagocel may cause an allergic reaction. In addition to allergies, other negative effects from these pills are not mentioned.

Instructions for use and dosage

Tablets should be swallowed with water. Chew medication is not recommended, and meals to the mode of use of the drug does not affect. For the purpose of treatment, the following regimen of Kagocel is used:

  • Children 3-6 years of age prescribed medication 4-day course. In the first two days, the child is given 1 tablet twice a day, and then for two days the child takes one tablet once. In total at this age give 6 tablets Kagocel for the entire period of treatment.
  • If a child is older than 6 years, then a four-day course is also prescribed for treatment, however, the multiplicity of treatment is different and the course dose will be higher. Single dose is one tablet. On the first and second day of the reception, a small patient is given it three times a day, and on the third and fourth day, twice. In total, the child receives in 4 days 10 tablets of the drug.

In order to prevent viral infections, the drug in children is prescribed in a seven-day cycle. On the first day of treatment, a child over the age of three years is given 1 tablet of medication per day, on the second day, one more tablet of the drug is given once, and then Kagocel is not taken for five days, then the cycle is repeated. The duration of this prophylactic use of the drug can be up to several months.


Although Kagocel is considered to be a safe and non-toxic medicine, the occasional intake of several tablets of this medication can lead to abdominal pain, dizziness, severe nausea and other signs of indisposition. Such an overdose requires the appointment of heavy drinking and provoking vomiting.

Interaction with other drugs

Other antiviral medications are permitted with Kagocel. This drug is also well combined with antibacterial agents and immunomodulatory drugs, enhancing their effectiveness.

Terms of sale

To purchase Kagocel packaging in pharmacies, a prescription from a doctor is not required. The average price of 10 tablets is 220 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Keep Kagocel at home should be away from sunlight and moisture.The medicine should not be freely available for small children, and the storage temperature should not exceed +25 degrees. If the shelf life of tablets, which is 4 years old, has expired, it is absolutely impossible to give such a drug to a child.


In most cases, mothers who gave Kagocel children or took these pills on their own, speak well of the medication. They emphasize the effectiveness of the drug for colds and flu, as the general condition after the start of treatment improved and the disease passed more quickly. The drug is also praised for a minimum of contraindications, a small dosage and a short course of use.

Obvious side effects in children from this drug, judging by the reviews, are extremely rare. The drug is well tolerated even children with allergies. The cost of medication most parents consider low, so rarely anyone looking for drugs cheaper. The form of release does not cause difficulties in most patients. According to moms, it is easy to swallow pills and they are not bitter.

With regard to the shortcomings of Kagocel, in some reviews complain about the lack of its therapeutic effect, which is not associated with the effect of the drug on all types of viruses. There are complaints that after the treatment course for a child under 6 years old there are unused pills. In addition, some mothers do not trust this medicine, because its composition is not fully decoded.


Replace Kagocel with viral diseases or for their prevention can such drugs with antiviral and immunostimulating activity:

  • Orvirem. Such medicine in syrup is allowed for children over 1 year old. Due to the presence of rimantadine in its composition, the drug actively fights against influenza and other acute respiratory infections caused by viruses.
  • Amiksin. This antiviral drug tablets contains tilaran. It is used in the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children over 7 years old.
  • Viferon. The basis of such rectal suppositories is alpha interferon. The drug is prescribed for ARVI, rotavirus, candidiasis, influenza and many other diseases. It can even be used in premature babies. The drug is also produced in the form of a gel, approved from birth, and ointment, prescribed to children older than a year.
  • Tsitovir-3. This medicine on the basis of alphaglutamyl-tryptophan, ascorbic acid and bendazole has an immunostimulating effect, therefore, it is used in the treatment of SARS and for the prevention of influenza.
  • Amizonchik. The active ingredient of this drug is represented by enisamium iodide. The drug is produced in liquid form (syrup) and is required for ARVI in children older than 3 years.
  • Cycloferon. Such tablets in the shell activate the formation of interferons, therefore they help with influenza, herpes and other viral diseases. Children are prescribed from the age of 4 years.
  • Arbidol. This domestic drug in suspension is prescribed for children over 2 years old, and in capsules and tablets - for children of three years and older. The basis of this drug is umifenovir, which has activity against coronaviruses and influenza viruses.
  • Acyclovir. This drug has the properties to inhibit herpes viruses, so it is prescribed for chickenpox (severe), mononucleosis and other diseases provoked by the herpes viruses. The drug is represented by ointment, powder, cream, tablets and other forms allowed for children of any age.
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Some mothers choose such homeopathic remedies as Anaferon, Ergoferon, Agri, Aflubin and others as a substitute for Kagocel, but doctors warn that they do not have sufficient effect in case of viral diseases. Many of the pediatricians, among whom Komarovsky, call such drugs ineffective and do not consider them to be full-fledged counterparts to antiviral drugs.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


