Spray "Panavir" for children: instructions for use


In the line of domestic plant-based antivirals called Panavir, there is a special spray for treating the oral cavity called Panavir Inlayt. Whether it is possible to apply it to children, how it acts on the oropharynx, and whether it helps protect the children's body during the cold season, this article will discuss.

Release form

Panavir Inlight spray is produced in white bottles with a long spray nozzle and a transparent cap. Inside one bottle is 40 ml of gel, which is sprayed on the mucous membrane. The drug is produced in several other forms (gel for external processing, injection, candles), but they are not used in the treatment of children. That is why the throat spray is often called the “children's Panavir”.


The main ingredient of Panavir Inlayt is polysaccharides derived from the tuberiferous nightshade (as potatoes are familiar to us scientifically). These include glucose, galactose, rhamnose, mannose, and other sugars. Such a complex was named Panavir, which was patented by the National Research Company.

In the yellow-marked package, these are the only active compounds, and in the box marked in green, there is another active ingredient - eucalyptus oil. Auxiliary components of the gel spray are castor oil (hydrogenated), sodium hydroxide, lanthanum nitrate, polyethylene glycol and water. Alcohol as part of the drug is missing.

Operating principle

Spray polysaccharides are capable of:

  • Prevent the penetration of viruses into cells.
  • Normalize the condition of the oropharyngeal mucosa, helping it recover faster from colds and other diseases.
  • Suppress the formation of viral particles.
  • Stimulate a local immune response.
  • Reduce soreness and local inflammatory response.
  • To form a protective cover, soften and moisturize the mucous membrane.

The drug acts as an antiviral agent, affecting the herpes viruses, rhinoviruses, molluscum contagiosum, influenza virus and other pathogens. Also spray has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal effect. In addition, Panavir has a healing and regenerating effect. The addition of eucalyptus oil enhances the antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and disinfecting effect of the spray.


Treatment of the nasal or oral cavity with Panavir Inlight gel is recommended:

  • With stomatitis.
  • With ARVI.
  • With the flu.
  • With a cold.
  • With herpes on the lips.
  • With laryngitis.
  • When cytomegalovirus infection.
  • When herpes sore throat.
  • After removal of the adenoids.
  • With rashes in the mouth with chickenpox.
  • With chronic tonsillitis.
  • After tooth extraction.

The drug is often prescribed as a preventive measure in the winter, in order to protect the body from viral infections and catarrhal diseases.

From what age is appointed?

The use of Panavir spray, which contains only polysaccharides, is allowed from birth. Since the presence of the eucalyptus component increases the risk of an allergic reaction, the use of this variant of Panavir Inlayt is recommended for children older than 1 year.


Treatment of the oropharynx with gel spray is prohibited only with individual hypersensitivity to any component of Panavir.If it manifests itself after the first use of the spray, the drug is immediately canceled.

Side effects

Panavir spray usually does not have a negative effect on the body of small patients when treating the oropharynx. Even frequent and long-term irrigation in most cases does not lead to the appearance of negative symptoms. An allergic reaction to the drug is very rare. If a child has a predisposition to allergies, it is better to use Panavir without eucalyptus in its treatment or to prevent colds.

Instructions for use

Before splashing Panavir on the mucous membrane, it is important to make sure that the nozzle is fixed on the bottle tightly. Irrigation should be carried out from the bottom up - the child should tilt his head as it shows the picture in the paper annotation to the spray. Insert the nozzle into the oral cavity should be shallow - up to 2 centimeters.

If the spray is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, the oral treatment is recommended twice a day. The preparation is sprayed in the mouth once in the morning and the second in the evening, and for one procedure 2-3 presses on the nozzle are used. To maximize the effect of the gel, the product is applied every day. For colds or viral infections, Panavir can be used more often - up to five times a day.

The smallest children spray the spray on the inner surface of one cheek or put on a pacifier and give the crumbs to suck. This treatment prevents the activation of the gag reflex. For older children, the medicine is applied to the mucous membrane of the mouth or throat, depending on the reason for using the spray.

Panavir inlight in nose

In case of inflammation of the nasopharynx or to prevent it, the doctor may prescribe nasal passages to be irrigated by Panavir Inlayt, but this method of application is chosen less frequently, since during the treatment of the nose, a slight burning sensation, swelling of the nose and temporary rhinorrhea may occur. However, these symptoms are only temporary and soon pass, and the effectiveness of using the gel for rhinitis and for the prevention of rhinitis is very high, so Panavir’s nose is still in demand during the winter-autumn period, when the probability of viral infection is increased.

Overdose and drug interactions

According to the manufacturer, even repeated and long-term use of Panavir is incapable of harming the human body, so there have never been cases of spray overdose. Also in the annotation to the drug noted that it is compatible with other drugs, for example, with antiviral drugs, the action of which is directed to the influenza virus. Also, the spray can be prescribed and used with antibacterial agents or with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs.

Terms of sale and storage

To purchase Inlayt Panavir in a pharmacy, a doctor's prescription is not required. In addition, this tool is attributed not to medicinal, but to cosmetic. The average price of 40 ml of the drug is 330-350 rubles.

It is advisable to keep the spray at home at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius in a place where sunlight will not act on the gel. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years. After the first use, it does not decrease (the drug does not deteriorate).


On the use of Panavir Inlayt in children speak mostly well. The remedy is called effective for stomatitis, sore throat, herpes, rhinitis, tonsillitis and other pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. Among the advantages of spray call it non-toxicity, natural basis, efficacy and reusable use. As for the minuses, some children do not like the taste of the drug and they protest against its use. Also, sometimes there are reviews that complain about the lack of effect of treatment with Panavir.


The pharmaceutical market offers a fairly large range of products with a similar effect, like Panavir spray. These include:

Some of these drugs are antiviral drugs, others affect the immune system, protecting against virus attacks indirectly.

However, before using any of them, you should consult a doctor and find the most appropriate replacement for Panavira.


Many doctors believe that during the cold season, such remedies are ineffective and claim that the best protection against the influenza virus is vaccination. But the question of vaccination should be addressed individually for each small patient, because she has her own contraindications.

Other ways to protect children from virus attacks are:

  • Frequent hand washing and washing.
  • Airing the premises.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Restriction of stay in crowded places.
  • Avoiding contact with sick people.
  • Use of paper handkerchiefs, not textiles.

If the child is still ill, he should be shown to a doctor in time, watered with warm liquids and isolated from other children. As for medicines, in childhood they are best used only after the appointment of a pediatrician.

Read more about antiviral drugs in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


