Tamiflu for children: instructions for use


Influenza is one of the most common acute respiratory infections and can occur at any age. However, for children's health, influenza A and B viruses often pose a serious danger. In order to prevent infection or speed up recovery, if it was not possible to avoid infection, special anti-virus drugs are used.

One of the most effective among them is called Tamiflu. This medication affects only viral particles and does not damage the cells of the respiratory tract. Is it used in childhood, in what doses is prescribed for children and what other antiviral medications are being replaced?

Release form

Tamiflu is a product of the Swiss holding Roche, which is represented in Russia by OTCPharm. The drug is available in Switzerland, France or Germany only in one form - capsular. Tamiflu has no syrup, tablets, ampoules or other forms.

The drug is sold in 10 capsules per pack. They are distinguished by a gray body and a yellow opaque lid. Inside is a white-yellow or white powder. On the capsule caps, you can see the dosage (“75 mg” is written in blue), and the manufacturer is marked on the case (“ROCHE”).


The main component of Tamiflu is oseltamivir. It is contained in the drug in the form of phosphate, and in terms of pure oseltamivir presented in a dose of 75 mg. Previously, the drug was sold with a different dosage (30 and 45 mg), but now these medication options are not available.

In addition to the active ingredient inside the capsule is also sodium stearium fumarate, croscarmellose sodium, talc, starch and povidone K30. The casing of the drug is made from gelatin and several dyes, as well as titanium dioxide and ink.

Operating principle

The active compound Tamiflu, once in the human body, is converted to oseltamivir carboxylate, which has a specific effect on neuraminidase. So called enzymes that are present in influenza viruses and are responsible for the release of new viral particles from infected cells of the respiratory tract.

The inhibition of these enzymes, which occurs when taking Tamiflu, helps stop the spread of viral infection in the airways and the release of the pathogen from the patient's body. At the same time, the preparation does not affect the formation of antibodies.

Many studies have confirmed the therapeutic effect of Tamiflu on people infected with influenza. In patients who took the medication within 48 hours after the onset of the first symptoms of influenza, the duration of the disease was reduced, and the frequency of complications (including those requiring antibiotics) decreased.

With the prophylactic use of capsules, the risk of developing the flu after contact with sick people was significantly reduced.


The most common reason for giving a child Tamiflu is respiratory tract infection by the flu virus. It is best to start taking capsules in the first days of the disease, when the young patient's body temperature rose, headaches, body aches and other symptoms of infection appeared.Such medication is also in demand for preventive purposes, for example, if someone in the family gets sick with the flu, or the child visits the children's team during the growing season of ARVI.

How old is allowed?

Children "Tamiflu" discharged from 1 year, that is, the children of the first year of life, this tool is contraindicated. Despite the solid form, it is easy to give the medicine to children older than a year, as it is necessary to prepare a suspension from the gelatinous powder placed inside for patients younger than 8 years old.


The use of Tamiflu is prohibited not only for infants, but also:

  • if a small patient has hypersensitivity to oseltamivir or to one of the auxiliary components of the capsules;
  • if the child has been diagnosed with severe renal failure;
  • if the liver disease in a child has led to severe failure of this organ.

Side effects

During treatment, Tamiflu or the prophylactic administration of such a drug sometimes occurs:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • vomiting.

In most cases, such negative reactions to the medication appear on the first or second day of administration and disappear on their own in 1-2 days. To cancel the drug when they occur is often not required.

More rare side effects of Tamiflu are diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, fever, fatigue, nasal congestion, cough, back pain, insomnia.

If these or other discomfort symptoms occur while taking capsules, you need to consult a doctor. Based on the patient’s complaints, he will prescribe another therapy.

Instructions for use

For the treatment of influenza, the remedy should be taken twice a day, and with a preventive purpose - only once a day. The diet at the time of admission, Tamiflu does not affect, but to improve tolerance, the capsule is advised to drink during meals. Children older than 8 years or patients a little younger, but with a weight of more than 40 kg, the medication is given over the whole capsule, offering to swallow it and drink it with water.

If a child is less than eight years old or has already turned 8 years old, but his body weight is below 40 kg, a single and daily dose will be less. For such patients, a suspension is prepared from the contents of the capsule and the preparation is given in liquid form.

The preparation of the suspension is also recommended for the “aging” of the capsules (if their gelatinous shell is damaged or has become very fragile), and if there are problems with swallowing the solid drug at an older age (9-10 years old and older).

To make a therapeutic solution, you need to open the capsule and combine the powder with some kind of sweet product. This is necessary to mask the bitter taste of the drug, which the powder has. This product can be honey, syrup, some sweet dessert, fruit puree, sweetened water, condensed milk, yogurt, and so on.

Its volume should be small, so that the child probably takes the entire required dose of medication, therefore The optimal amount is 1 teaspoon of sweet product.

If the mixture is prepared for a child older than 8 years or with a body weight above 40 kg, then it must be given immediately in full. If, after swallowing, some suspension remains in the container, you need to add a little water and finish the preparation.

In cases when a patient is under 8 years old or his weight has not yet reached 40 kg, the preparation of Tamiflu liquid form is slightly different:

  1. taking a small container, you need to open the capsule over it so that the powder pours into it in full;
  2. using a syringe, you should take 5 milliliters of water and pour it into a container;
  3. after thorough mixing of the powder with water, the resulting mixture should be collected in a dosage suitable for age and weight (it will be indicated below);
  4. undissolved white powder is not necessary to type with a syringe, since it consists mainly of inactive components of the drug;
  5. the remainder of the mixture is discarded, that is, for each dose, a new capsule must be taken;
  6. The medication collected by the syringe must be poured into another container, to which the sweet product is then added;
  7. after thorough mixing, the agent is given to the child to drink, and the residue is rinsed with a small volume of water, which should also be drunk.

The dosage of the diluted drug from one capsule for patients 1-8 years is as follows:

  • if the patient weighs less than 15 kg, he should be given 2 ml of solution at a time, which corresponds to 30 mg of oseltamivir;
  • if the child weighs from 15 to 23 kg, then a single dose of the suspension will be 3 ml, that is, 45 mg of the active ingredient;
  • for patients with a body weight of 23 to 40 kg, 4 ml of water diluted powder is taken at a time, which corresponds to a single dosage of 60 mg.

How long to take?

The duration of taking Tamiflu depends on the indications for its use. If you started to give medicine at the first symptoms of flu, then you should drink the capsules for 5 days. One package of the drug is designed for just such a duration of treatment.

The course of taking to prevent infection with influenza viruses often lasts 10 days. At the same time, it is recommended to start taking the capsules in the first 2 days after contact with a sick person.

If the medication is prescribed during the rise in the incidence of influenza, it can be given longer (up to 6-12 weeks), but in this case, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor.


When taking the drug you need to carefully follow the dosage. If you accidentally exceed the dose of Tamiflu for a child, vomiting, headache, nausea, and other possible side effects of the drug may occur. With these symptoms, it is recommended to show the patient to the doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Tamiflu can be combined with many other medicines, for example, Paracetamol orAmoxicillin". According to many studies, this tool does not affect the action of diuretics, antihistamines, corticosteroids, analgesics, antibiotics and many other drugs.

Terms of sale

You can buy Tamiflu at a pharmacy by prescription from a doctor, so when you have flu symptoms or contact a sick person, you should contact your pediatrician and get a prescription, as well as recommendations on the dosage and duration of use of the capsules. The average price of one package of such a drug varies between 1,100-1400 rubles.

Storage conditions

The drug has a very long shelf life of 7 years from the date of manufacture. Until it expires, keep Tamiflu at home in a dry place. At the same time, the drug should not be affected by high temperature (the optimum storage mode is considered to be + 15 + 25 degrees Celsius), high humidity or direct rays of the sun. In addition, the tool should be kept out of the reach of children.

When capsules are stored for a very long time, for example, 4-5 years, they can "grow old", which makes them more fragile, but in the annotation it is noted that such changes do not affect the safety or pharmacological action of the drug.


In most cases, the use of Tamiflu in children respond positively. Moms confirm that the drug contributes to a more rapid recovery from the flu, and also reduces the risk of complications of this infection.

Judging by the reviews, young patients often take the medicine well, and adverse reactions occur very rarely. The disadvantages of the drug, most parents attribute its high cost, which is why in many cases they prefer to use other antiviral drugs that are cheaper.


Replacing "Tamiflu" can be a Russian drug "Nomides", Because it also contains oseltamivir. Such a medicine is represented by capsules containing 30, 45 or 75 mg of this component. Children "Nomites" are discharged from the age of three and used both for the treatment of flu and for its prevention.This medication is cheaper than Tamiflu - 10 capsules of 75 mg each need to pay an average of 600 rubles.

Other antiviral drugs that affect influenza viruses can be used instead of Tamiflu, for example:

  • «Relenza». The active substance of this drug, which is called zanamivir, like Tamiflu, affects neuraminidase, so the drug is very effective against influenza viruses. It comes in powder packaged in rotadiski. Inhalation with this medicine is prescribed to children older than 5 years.
  • «Isoprinosine». Such tablets based on the substance "inosine pranobex" not only affect different viruses, but also stimulate the immune response to pathogens. The drug is discharged not only sick flu, but also for herpes, measles and other viral diseases. For children, it is allowed to use it when the weight of a small patient is more than 15 kg.
  • "Grippferon". The effectiveness of such a spray or drops against viral particles is ensured by the presence of interferon in the alpha-2b preparation. Such a tool is considered safe for children, therefore, is used at any age. In addition to antiviral activity, Grippferon has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effects.
  • «Orvirem». Such an antiviral medication effectively destroys influenza viruses due to the presence of rimantadine in its composition. Its main advantage is called a form convenient for children, because this preparation is represented by a sweet syrup. Like Tamiflu, it can be given to children older than a year, both for treatment and for the prevention of influenza.
  • "Arbidol". This remedy acts on viral particles thanks to umifenovir. It comes in several forms designed for patients of different ages. Suspension children can be given 2 years and older, and “Arbidol” in capsules and tablets is used from the age of three.
  • "Amiksin". The therapeutic effect of such a tablet drug causes a substance called "tiloron." It is able to inhibit the synthesis of proteins in cells infected by the virus, as a result of which the reproduction of viral particles slows down. In addition, the drug stimulates the synthesis of interferons and immunoglobulins. Children can be given it from the age of seven not only with the flu, but also with many other diseases caused by viruses.
  • «Panavir Inlayt». Such an antiviral gel spray contains polysaccharides that prevent viruses from penetrating cells, normalize the state of the mucous membrane and stimulate local immunity. The drug is sprayed in the nose, in the mouth and on the mucous membrane of the throat. In children, it can be used from birth.
  • «Proteflazid». In such a plant-based solution, the ability to influence not only neuraminidase, but also other enzymes is noted, which blocks the reproduction of viruses and accelerates recovery. The drug is prescribed for ARVI, herpes, flu and other viral infections. It is allowed to apply at any age.
  • «Kagocel». These tablets contain the active ingredient with the same name. It activates the synthesis of interferon and affects all immune cells, due to which it has a pronounced antiviral activity. The drug is prescribed to children older than three years with the flu, rotavirus, herpes and other diseases.

These and other antiviral drugs are often prescribed to children, and many of them are pediatricians and parents respond positively. However, they should not be given instead of Tamiflu without a doctor.

The choice of analogue for the prevention of influenza or the treatment of such an infection should be entrusted to a doctor who will examine the child and select the best option. Once again we recall that in no case should not engage in self-treatment.

Dr. Komarovsky will talk about Tamiflu in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


