Nimesil for children: instructions for use


Nimesulide preparations effectively deal with pain and fever, and also help reduce inflammation. One of them is "Nimesil", represented by convenient for use portioned bags. They are often prescribed to adults with severe pain, inflammation of the joints and other problems, the instructions for use are simple and clear. But not everyone knows whether it is possible to use this medicine for children, when it is useful, and if necessary it can be replaced.

Release form and composition

"Nimesil" is produced in the form of granules, which have a light yellow color and a pleasant orange smell. One sachet includes 2 g of the drug, represented by nimesulide in the amount of 100 mg and such additional compounds as sucrose, flavoring and citric acid. In addition, the drug contains maltodextrin and ketomacrogol 1000.

One pack includes 9, 15 or 30 bags. Mixing the contents of one sachet with water, get a sweet orange suspension, taken orally. In the form of a gel, syrup, tablets, capsules, ampoules and in other forms, Nimesil is not produced.

Operating principle

The active ingredient "Nimesila" has the ability to block an enzyme called cyclooxygenase of the second type. The consequence of this effect will be the cessation of the production of prostaglandins. Since it is these substances that are involved in the inflammatory reaction, increase body temperature and provide pain impulses, the drug affects all these effects. The result of its use will be a decrease in inflammation, as well as a decrease in temperature, elimination of pain.

Nimesulide from the suspension is absorbed quite well, and after 2-3 hours its amount in the blood becomes maximum. Almost in full contact with plasma proteins, such a substance is transferred to the site of inflammation, is converted in the liver and leaves the body with bile and urine.


More often "Nimesulide»Used for acute pains - for example, for joint dislocation, muscle pain, back pain, toothache, headache, and so on. In addition, this medicine is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory agent - for bursitis, arthritis, tendinitis, and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Suspension prepared from granules is also used for fever - for example, for sore throat or pharyngitis.

From what age is prescribed?

"Nimesil" is assigned to children who have turned 12 years old - as noted in the instructions for sachets. This is due to the dosage of nimesulide in the same bag, since it is designed for patients over 12 years old, and the prepared suspension cannot be stored.

If a younger child needs treatment, it is better to choose a substitute with a lower dosage or another remedy with a similar therapeutic effect (for example, Panadol or Nurofen).


The drug is not used for children with:

  • intolerance to nimesulide or some other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • inflammatory bowel disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • bleeding in the digestive tract;
  • severe disorders of the heart;
  • serious kidney pathologies;
  • active liver disease.

Since the composition of the granules includes sucrose, it is important to consider for children with diabetes and hereditary pathologies of carbohydrate metabolism.

Side effects

Frequent side effects of Nimesil are nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Other negative effects (dizziness, allergic rash, sweating, tachycardia, flatulence, and so on) occur rarely when taking the suspension, and bronchospasm, drowsiness, urticaria, hepatitis, and some other pathologies are diagnosed in Nimesil treatment in isolated cases.

Instructions for use

To dissolve the powder from one sachet take 100 ml of water. After pouring the granules into a glass, they are mixed until dissolved, and then they immediately drink the medicine. The finished suspension can not be stored, so mixing the drug with water should be carried out immediately before its use.

Drink dissolved in water "Nimesil" need after meals. A single dose for a child over 12 years old is one sachet, and the recommended frequency of Nimesil is twice a day. The duration of treatment must be determined by the doctor, but usually they try to prescribe a minimum course that is sufficient to obtain the desired effect.

In any case, the medicine is not given longer than 15 days.

Overdose and drug interactions

If you exceed the dose of Nimesil, it will lead to drowsiness, abdominal pain, nausea, apathy or vomiting. Sometimes an overdose of medication provokes gastric bleeding, kidney failure, increased blood pressure, respiratory depression and other dangerous symptoms. Since there is no antidote to the drug, when the dosage is exceeded, the child is prescribed symptomatic therapy. If an overdose was detected immediately, you should wash the patient's stomach and give some kind of sorbent.

As for the compatibility of the drug with other drugs, the use of Nimesil may affect the treatment with antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, anticoagulants and many other drugs. Their complete list can be found in the annotations or to check with your doctor.

Terms of sale and storage

Acquisition of "Nimesila" in a pharmacy is possible only if you have a prescription from a doctor. The average price of 30 bags is about 700 rubles. Keep the drug at home should be hidden from children at room temperature. The shelf life of the pellets in sealed bags is 2 years. After mixing with water, the medicine is not stored.


On the use of "Nimesila" and parents, and doctors respond most often positively. Moms confirm the pronounced anesthetic effect of such a drug and praise its release form for its ease of use. But the cost of bags is called overpriced, because of which many prefer more affordable analogs. In addition, many parents complain about the side effect of the drug on the digestive tract, and some teenagers have allergies when taking the suspension.


Any other nimesulide-based drug can be a substitute — for example, "Nimulid", "Nimesulide"Or" Nemux ". Some of these drugs ("Nimulid", "Nise"," Nimiku ") produced in the form of a finished suspension with a concentration of the active ingredient 50mg / 5ml and dispersible tablets with a dose of 50 mg each, so they can be administered to children over 2 years old.

Although in European countries, nimesulide in any form is considered dangerous for the liver and is not prescribed until the age of 12, our pediatricians (including Dr. Komarovsky) have not noted in their practice the negative effect of this medicine on the liver, but they have seen good antipyretic as well analgesic effect.

For this reason, they prescribe nimesulide for children under 12 years of age (for example, for patients aged 4), but only if ibuprofen-based drugs or drugs containing paracetamol are ineffective.With an elevated temperature and pain in a child, it is advised to take such nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as their safety in childhood has been confirmed by many studies.

Only in situations where such drugs are powerless can one of the Nimesil analogues in suspension be given to the child.

As for other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, instead of Nimesil they use "Panadol", "Analgin"," Nurofen ","Cefecone D», «Calpol», «Efferalgan», «Ibuklin», «Voltaren» and other drugs. They are presented in various forms, among which for children are usually chosen suppositories and syrup.

However, each of these drugs has its own contraindications and age restrictions, so the choice of the analogue with antipyretic and analgesic effects is best done with a specialist.

Even paracetamol preparations, which are considered the safest for babies, are not recommended for children, without consulting a doctor.

Reviews of the doctor about this drug, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


