Migraine psychosomatics in adults and children


Migraine is often confused with a headache. When a person has a bad headache, he says that he has "started a migraine." In fact, this is a separate neurological disease, which affects up to 10% of the world's inhabitants, and is more characteristic of women. In this article we will talk about what psychosomatic causes can lead to the development of migraine.

General information about the disease

Migraine has the second name - hemikrania (or "half of the head"). This fully reflects the essence of the neurological illness, manifested by bouts of excruciating headache in one half of the head. At the same time, there are no objective reasons for such pain: there were no injuries, no stroke, a brain tumor was not detected at the examination. The development of pain does not affect the level of blood pressure, and also does not play a role increase in intracranial pressure.

The disease is chronic. Most often, according to statistics, in women, but sometimes in men. Often inherited precisely through the female line.

Attacks can occur a couple of times a year, and several times a week. It is individual. If the attacks are frequent and very painful, the person may become disabled as he is considered to be disabled. How and why migraines develop is not yet known to clinical researchers. There are assumptions that affect stress and food factors, alcohol intake, meteosensitivity.

The violation is caused by dysfunction of cerebral vessels, why it develops, again there is no exact answer.

Psychosomatic causes

Psychosomatics regards any headaches as an inadequate response of the human body to certain situations. It can be compared to allergies, only the skin or the nose does not suffer, but the brain. Due to overstressing, the person narrows the vessels, the brain receives less oxygen, and a hypoxic damage develops.

Psychotherapists who observed people with migraines, found that, as a rule, people who live with a sense of their importance. This significance is greatly exaggerated by them. The higher the opinion of a person, the more he is prone to pride, the stronger the migraine will be.

The disease is promoted by excessive demands and claims that a person habitually presents to the world and people. People and the world, quite naturally, do not always meet the expectations of the proud, as a result, a person accumulates irritation, disappointment and even aggression, because the reality he invented is quite unlike what happens in life.

Since pain usually starts in the temporal lobe, and in psychosomatics it is responsible for intellectual abilities, idealism and punctuality, the search for a link between causes and effects, then the cause of migraine should be sought here.

Most often, such situations lead to a migraine: a person who has a high opinion of himself, builds in his head a picture of the world, which has nothing to do with the real, it is idealized. He begins to demand that the world and people act in accordance with their ideas; this is doomed to failure from the outset. A person experiences first strong disappointment, and then diligently tries to suppress the aggression that has broken out.

A person does not try to change anything, does not try to show aggression, he simply waits until the others themselves guess what he wants from them.Hidden aggression is manifested by bouts of severe pain in the head.

Headache, each of its attacks is a manipulation, with the help of which a person still does not lose hope to achieve her own. That is why migraine attacks start at the most crucial moments for a person when he is at a crossroads - either accept reality and accept, or rush into battle and win. He can do neither, nor simply, and simply hides in his headache, hiding behind her as a shield.

As a woman goes away from unwanted sexual contact - a headache. As a man moves away from a conversation that is unpleasant to him, he is tired and has a headache.

If at the same time a person is a great pedant and demands that everything is in the smallest detail as he needs, then attacks usually start at the moments when the usual course of events and order are disturbed. So, severe pains begin in a woman when someone starts to scatter things, do not put them in their proper place. Until the order is established, she will suffer and suffer.

Headache is necessary for patients with migraine for a very specific purpose - they have a very strong craving for control, tyranny on a subconscious level. While they are lying with an attack, they have a completely legitimate reason to give out orders to the household, to demand to observe silence, not to turn on the light, the TV, not to speak loudly.

In children

Migraine in children is rare, and basically it comes to genetically borrowed severe forms of the disease. Attacks occur mainly because of the invasion of adults into the inner world and the habitual life of the baby. Very often this happens at times when the mother starts cleaning the nursery, begins to rearrange the toys and personal things of the child at its discretion. The mechanism described above works.

But do not forget about heredity, and therefore it should be understood that the child begins to make excessive demands on the world, copying in it his parents, more often his mother, her attitude to the world.

Right and left sides

Psychosomatic causes of right-sided headache should be sought in work, profession, study, ambitious creative and professional plans, in earning income, in planning, in everything that is rational. The left side of the head usually hurts those who suffer from disappointments and discrepancies between ideals in the family, with relatives, in personal and even intimate matters.


Making attacks rare and gradually nullify them is quite simple, but at the same time and difficult, because you need to completely change their attitude to the world and people. It is important to accept the world, people, and all events exactly as they really are. There is no need to invent anything, to expect something from them, to idealize. This will help avoid disappointment, stress and subsequent aggression.

No need to always try and control everything. There is always room in the world for chaos and the fact that, in principle, it cannot be predicted. Let life go on as usual - accept it as it is.

We need to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist who allows himself to easily fix the crown on the patient’s head, since it is imperative to learn to evaluate himself adequately, without self-admiration and confidence that the world should be obliged for having such a person in it.

You need to show aggression openly - to speak, if you don't like something, to go in for sports and swimming, they perfectly help to throw out negative emotions and irritation. The more a person tries to squeeze his emotions and hide them, the more likely the aggravation.

In situations where there is a clear feeling that the attack is approaching, it is important to leave the problem, which is now worrying, to step back from it, looking at everything from the side. Relax, do nothing, until the signs of approaching a migraine attack are not over - relaxation and self-control - something that will help to cope even with severe forms of the disease.

On the psychosomatics of migraine in humans, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


