How to teach infants to roll with the abdomen on the back?


The development of a small child always touches his parents. When the crumb confidently holds the head, in a family the real holiday. Naturally, mom and dad are anxiously waiting for the moment when the baby learns to regulate body position - to turn from the belly to the back and vice versa. Do I need a child to teach this and how to master the turns from the abdomen to the back, we will tell in this article.

Norms and terms

Usually at the very beginning of infants master turns from the back to the stomach, and only then comes the time for a coup in the opposite direction. The average time of the coup from the back to the tummy is 3-4 months, respectively, from the position on the belly, the child on average learns to roll backwards at 4-5 months of life.

The rules were invented by someone who did not know and when, and they should not be considered the ultimate truth. Quite often, toddlers cannot master any upheavals by half a year, or turn a maximum on a flank.

Parents should not panic if their five-month baby does not make body turns in space. He will definitely do this when the muscular tissue and ligamentous apparatus prepare for such movements.

All babies develop at a different pace, for each nature has provided an individual scheme of growing up, and therefore it is not worthwhile to focus on any norms and advice from friends and relatives. Your child is only yours, he is not obliged to be like another baby. You can not compare them.

If the child is "behind"

Parents in no case should not consider their child “lagging”, if he does not want to roll from belly to back at the moment. Such movements become possible if the muscles of the back, abdomen, lateral oblique muscles and ligaments are sufficiently developed. These muscles become stronger and stimulated gradually, and this happens at different speeds for all karapuz.

Moving, inquisitive and restless kids start to turn over earlier, and children with a fair body weight, good appetite, a solid share of laziness and a calm temperament can master new motor skills later.

Children who were born prematurely and children who were born from pregnancy accompanied by pathologies and fetal hypoxia develop more slowly and later develop coups. Toddlers with congenital ailments, weak and painful children will also master coups much later.

Much depends on the stimulus. If he has a child, coups will be mastered by him earlier. The main stimulus for him is the desire to explore this world in any additional way, not only just lying on his back.

If you engage with a child, to enthrall him with toys and bright objects that are interesting to him, the likelihood that he will turn earlier increases.

Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky quite often encourages adults not to cause panic from scratch. In 99% of cases, if a child in his 4-5 months refuses to roll from abdomen to his back, there is not the slightest reason for anxiety and anxiety. If there are no other complaints, it is not worth suspecting any pathology.

A baby who eats normally, reacts emotionally to his relatives, turns his head to the sound, tries to produce sounds himself, but does not turn over, is healthy.Simply, it develops according to its own plan and schedule, not similar to the norms, published on the Internet or lying in the form of tablets-tips on the table of the pediatrician’s doctor.

Therefore, the doctor recommends just wait a certain time. When the crumbs are ready, he will definitely begin to roll over. Diseases that impede the work of the musculoskeletal system, medicine is not so much known, they are all serious - such as cerebral palsy or other lesions of the central nervous system. Parents usually find out about them at the first examination or even from a neonatologist of the maternity home where the baby was born.

If the doctors didn’t find such ailments before this day, then there’s no need to worry about the absence of coups.

Komarovsky understands and accepts the desire of parents to help the baby as early as possible to master new motor skills as inevitable. The pediatrician recommends that you begin to learn or train your baby only when your mom and dad have no excerpts and no desire to wait. But such training should in no way harm the child.

Komarovsky admits, although he does not consider it necessary, firming massage, gymnastics, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, neck, limbs and lateral muscles. However, jumpers and walkers, like other verticalizing devices, do not recommend using Komarovsky. The backbone of the baby is not ready for such loads either at 3 months or at 6 months, and the parents' desire to do better can result in trauma and serious consequences for the health of the child in the future.

Intensive and aggressive massage, which exhausts both mother and child, will not bring benefits, but it can easily do harm. If you want to teach your baby to roll from belly to back, Evgeny Olegovich recommends that parents not force the child to do this by force. If the muscles are not ready, no classes will not allow the toddler to master the new movements.

The most reasonable parental behavior in this situation, Komarovsky considers the creation of favorable conditions for development, and not a compulsory influence on the children's organism.

Readiness for classes

Parents who are firmly set out to teach the baby to roll over from the abdomen to the back should honestly answer the main question to themselves - are their toddler ready for such activities? It is not so difficult to assess the degree of readiness, it is enough to note the existing skills:

  • the child feels confidently in position on his stomach, easily holds the head, can turn it in the prone position in the direction of the object or familiar voices;
  • in a pose on his stomach, a small pea can briefly rest on his elbows, trying to rise higher;
  • in a pose on the back of the baby can lift his legs, bring them to the face, grabs them, and also tries to lift the head.

If you answered yes to these questions, it means that the muscular system of the back, neck and abdomen is almost ready to join a new process for them, you can do it. If the answer to at least one item is negative, wait another month and answer the questions again.

For classes, you will need massage oil or baby cream, a gymnastic children's mat, which can be laid on a hard and level surface, for example, on the floor, as well as a ball fitball (optional).

Massage and gymnastics

Fortifying massage, any parent or grandmother is able to master and carry out independently at home. It is in the familiar environment, when the relatives and familiar hands are touched, the child will feel as calm and relaxed as possible. The sense of a massage, which a child’s professional masseuse (that is, a complete stranger for a baby) makes the child crying out for stress, will be little.

Home massage will strengthen the contact between mother and child, make the procedure an interesting game, and also save a considerable amount of money from the family budget, because massage is an expensive pleasure.Classes should be conducted only when the baby is healthy, he is well rested, not hungry. It is recommended to combine them with the adoption of air baths - it will be a double benefit.

You can train twice a day, and one, it all depends on the mood of all participants in the process. If the child is out of sorts, you do not need to hold a gymnastics or do a massage at any cost. Useful exercises will be only if the baby is interested in the process itself started by the mother of the game.

When conducting a massage, pay attention to the pressure force of the hands - the touch should be light, not causing pain. If the baby is uncomfortable, he will definitely let you know about this shout, listen to him and change the tactics of exposure.

We list several effective techniques that are recommended to be applied not earlier than 3 months of age in order to master coups from belly to back.

  • "Circles and arcs". This exercise should help strengthen the press. With a weak press, a backstop will be difficult. The baby must lie on its back. Mom in circular motions easily strokes and massages the child's belly in a clockwise direction - around the navel, expanding the circle, and back. Then, with your thumbs, you should follow the arc from the navel to the ribs and from the navel to the inguinal zone.
  • "Strong back". This reception is carried out by putting the child on his stomach. At first, it is easy to massage and stroke the back along the spine, and then make transverse tapping with the tips of the fingers along the line of the ribs to the spinal column.
  • "Caterpillar". This technique is carried out to strengthen the lateral and oblique muscles. When turning from the abdomen to the back, the baby rests on the handle, transferring body weight to it, largely due to the work of the lateral muscles, the very turn on the back occurs. It is necessary to place the child on his stomach and "stretch out" him, raising his hands up. Light movements are massaged and stroked lateral muscles from the armpits to the knees or feet.

Massage at home do only with warm hands, a touch of cold palms will not be pleasant to the child, he will not be able to relax and trust you. Apply massage emollients. The duration of the session, increase gradually - from five minutes to 10-15 minutes. After a ten-day course, take a break for a couple of weeks.

Gymnastics should be daily. If it is repeated day after day, the child gets used to it and takes it with great pleasure. The most effective exercises for the coup with the abdomen on the back are as follows.

  • "Bicycle". This exercise helps to strengthen the legs, lower back and lateral muscles of the infant. Lying on your back, bend the legs of the baby in your knees and make them rhythmic movements, as if the baby is pedaling a bicycle. Such alternate reduction of the legs will have a positive effect not only on the development of muscles, but also on digestion - accumulation of intestinal gases will be unlikely.
  • "Changeling." This exercise will help the child quickly master the coup itself. Put it on the tummy, gently move the opposite leg and turn the baby on its side, and then on the back. If the right leg is brought in, the child should be turned to the left; if the left foot is brought in, the turn is made to the right.
  • "Potyagushi." This exercise will require an interesting and colorful toy that is new and still unfamiliar to the child, or another safe and interesting object. A child lying on his stomach sees a toy in front of him. Place it directly in front of it and make it so that the crumb can reach and touch it. Then move the toy a little to the side and away, so that the kid has to stretch behind it, straining the lateral and oblique muscles. Help him, creating palm palm under the foot, so the crumb can push off and move forward. Gradually, the baby will begin to roll over so that it will be easier for him to reach out to an interesting subject.

Develop back, abdomen and sides, to eventually roll over from the abdomen to the back and back, and you can fitball.But first it is worth consulting a pediatrician in order not to harm the baby.

You can practice additional swimming lessons. They are shown even to the newborn. You can teach your baby to swim in a large bath independently, and you can use the experience and knowledge of professional trainers who can help toddler. For this you need to sign up with a crumb into a special group for the little ones in the pool.

Tips and tricks

Parents who are engaged with the child, to teach him the first coups, you need to be patient, not everything will turn out right away. All exercises and massage techniques should be performed correctly, with strict observance of the technique of their implementation.

Adults need to make sure that the muscles are trained symmetrically - from two sides, otherwise the baby can begin to roll only on one side.

It often happens that a child who has already begun to roll over from lying on his stomach to his back, suddenly stops doing it. There is nothing pathological or unusual. Quite often, small children learn new skills in fragments, in a few days, believe me, the crumb will surely “remember” the acquired ability to change the position of the body in space and take advantage of it, but consciously - when he has a valid motive.

To learn how to teach a child to roll over, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


