Phenazepam: instructions for use for children


If a child does not sleep well at night, often wakes up, and is capricious during the day, the life of the parents becomes unbearable. Suffering and baby health. Sedative medications, including Phenazepam, can help in this situation.

Release form and composition

"Phenazepam" is available in the form of tablets of 0.5, 1 and 2.5 mg. The medicine is sold in foil blister packs, in packs of 10 or 25 pieces. The carton contains 50 tablets. You can also buy "Phenazepam" in plastic jars of 50 tablets.

The action of phenazepam is based on the main component - bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine. This is a strong tranquilizer; a group of Soviet scientists was awarded a State Prize for receiving it in the 70s of the last century. Starch, lactose, talc and others are used as auxiliary components in Fenazepam.

The principle of operation and indications

"Phenazepam" is a highly active tranquilizer, which is superior to all existing ones. By its pharmacological action, this substance is anticonvulsant, relaxing, has a hypnotic and sedative effect, it can reduce the excitability of the brain and inhibit reflexes.

Apply "Phenazepam" is recommended for dementia, schizophrenia, other mental disorders, including acute, epilepsy, agoraphobia and other phobias, panic, dissociative disorders. Also in the list of indications include emotional personality disorder, mental retardation, insomnia, seizures.

Opinions of experts about the age at which Phenazepam can be applied have diverged. Some doctors say that it can be prescribed only to patients older than 18 years old, and this medicine is not prescribed to children, since there is not the necessary amount of clinical data on the effect of the drug on the psyche in childhood. Besides, "Phenazepam" is addictive. However, in some severe cases, doctors may prescribe this medicine in small doses to a child.

Contraindications and side effects

In addition to childhood, contraindication to treatment with Phenazepam is hypersensitivity to the main component, coma, shock, alcohol poisoning, depression, because taking the drug in this state can lead to the occurrence of suicidal thoughts. Do not prescribe a drug after an overdose of narcotic and hypnotic drugs, glaucoma, in severe forms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, because the drug can depress respiration.

Pregnancy is a contraindication, especially first trimester and lactation. Do not take medicine if you plan to conceive. Carefully used "Phenazepam" for renal or hepatic failure, in elderly, drug addictions.

During treatment with Phenazepam, patients may experience quite a number of undesirable effects. We list only some of them - drowsiness, fatigue, disorientation, confusion, weakness, or vice versa, agitation, outbreaks of aggression, sleep disturbances. Chills, sore throat, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea or constipation, dry mouth or excessive saliva, urinary incontinence, rash or itching may occur.

The drug is addictive, so after discontinuation of treatment, withdrawal syndrome is possible, expressed in irritability, spasms, photophobia, psychosis.

Admission can lead to lower blood pressure, impaired vision and heart rhythm.

Instructions for use

As a rule, this drug is not used by children under 18, and only a doctor can prescribe treatment to adults. Individual dosage is selected depending on the patient's condition.

Since Phenazepam is not normally used for the treatment of children, overdose can occur only if the child takes the drug on its own. If parents are confident that the child has eaten any number of Phenazepam tablets, you should immediately seek emergency medical care.

Absorption of "Phenazepam" in the blood in children occurs very quickly, the effect increases with time. Therefore, in anticipation of doctors, it is necessary to clean the stomach - induce vomiting. This will help eliminate some of the substance that has not yet been absorbed. To do this, you can drink a solution of salt or sodium sulfate, and if these substances are not at hand, you need to induce vomiting by mechanical means.

Then you need to make a child gastric lavage, calculating the amount of water, depending on the weight of the baby. Next, you need to give a sufficient amount of sorbent, which absorbs the drug from the gastrointestinal tract. As a sorbent, you can use activated carbon, "Enterosgel», «Lactofiltrum"," Smektu ".

It is important to keep the child conscious before the arrival of the ambulance. If unconscious, turn the baby on its side to prevent aspiration from vomiting.

Poisoning with "Fenozepam" requires mandatory hospitalization. An antidote is administered to the victim, and treatment is prescribed depending on the severity of the condition.

If help is not provided in time, an overdose can lead to death, but even if the child is saved, the delayed effects of an overdose in the form of mental disorders can occur.

"Phenazepam" interacts with many drugs, for example, enhances the antihypertensive effect of other drugs.

Terms of sale and storage

"Phenazepam" is sold in pharmacies strictly on prescription. At home, it must be kept out of the reach of children and protected from light. Shelf life is 3 years.


Despite the fact that the instructions for use allow reception only for adults, in the forums dedicated to children's health, there are reviews of parents about the doctors who prescribe "Fenazepam" to young children, often - not even three years old. Even if a child has a serious illness requiring medical treatment, for example, epilepsy, the use of Fenazepam is unjustified. There are special preparations that can be given to children.

Moreover, cases when “Fenazepam” is prescribed to a child at the age of 5, 1 tablet per day, are unacceptable in order to eliminate nighttime anxiety, frequent waking up, nightly fears. This case was described by mom in her recall. In this case, you can advise parents to contact another specialist.


There are a large number of analogues of "Phenazepam" on the current component. For example, on the Russian pharmaceutical market are Diazepam, Elzepam, Oxazepam, Fezanef, Fenzitat, Tranquezipam, Fezipam, Phenorelaxin. All these drugs are prescription drugs, you can not buy them yourself.

There are also analogues of "Phenazepam" on the main action. Many of them are sold without a prescription. These are such well-known sedatives as "Glycine», «Persen". Their action is based on another active substance, it is not addictive, but it helps to fight stress, insomnia, anxiety.

More information about this drug can be found in the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


