Relanium children: instructions for use


Relanium is called one of the best tranquilizers, because it effectively copes with anxiety, fear and convulsions. But is such a strong medicine prescribed for children, in which cases and in what doses?

Release form

The drug is made only in an injection form - in the form of a colorless or greenish-yellow transparent solution, placed in ampoules of 2 milliliters. One pack contains 5, 10 or 50 ampoules. The drug can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly.


The main component of Relanium, due to which the medicine has medicinal properties, is represented by diazepam. In 1 ml of the solution it is contained in the amount of 5 mg, that is, one ampoule contains 10 mg of diazepam. In addition, there is benzyl alcohol, sterile water, ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, acetic acid, and sodium benzoate in the medication. Such substances help the drug to remain liquid and not deteriorate.

Operating principle

Diazepam is able to inhibit the central nervous system, so Relanium is referred to as tranquilizers. The drug affects the structure of the brain, as well as enhances the effects of GABA - one of the main mediators involved in the process of inhibition of nerve impulses.

In Relanium, the following effects are noted:

  • sedatives;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • hypnotic;
  • anxiolytic (drug eliminates fear and anxiety);
  • muscle relaxant (medicine helps to remove muscle tone).


Relanium is claimed:

  • with neurosis and neurotic disorders, one of the symptoms of which is anxiety;
  • to quickly eliminate the nervous excitement provoked by anxiety;
  • in an epileptic seizure or convulsions caused by another reason;
  • in tetanus and other conditions when it is necessary to eliminate spasm of skeletal muscles;
  • in diagnostic procedures and operations.

From what age is prescribed?

Relanium is contraindicated for babies in the first 30 days of life, since such medication may cause breathing difficulties, hypotension, CNS depression and other dangerous conditions in newborns. For this reason medicine is prescribed for children older than 1 month and is used in childhood mainly as an emergency aid.


Relanium children are not prescribed in such cases:

  • if the patient has hypersensitivity to diazepam or another ingredient of the solution;
  • if the child has shock or coma;
  • if the patient has severe myasthenia gravis;
  • if the child suffers from severe lung disease with obstruction;
  • if the baby has sleep apnea syndrome;
  • if the child has closed angle glaucoma;
  • if intoxication is detected with drugs that are able to inhibit the central nervous system, for example, with hypnotic drugs;
  • if the patient has developed acute respiratory failure.

Precautions when using Relanium require small patients with epilepsy, ataxia, brain diseases, hyperkinesis, renal failure, depression or severe liver pathologies.

Side effects

After the infusion of Relanium, dizziness, pruritus, hypothermia, drowsiness, constipation, disorientation, muscle weakness, dry mouth, tremor, agranulocytosis, gastralgia, tachycardia, urinary retention and other negative symptoms may occur. Besides, the use of such a drug can be addictive, and due to a sharp cessation of admission, withdrawal syndrome is possible.

Instructions for use

Relanium is administered to children intravenously, and the injection should be slow (1 ml per minute). The dose of the drug depends on the age of the baby:

  • If the patient is not yet 5 years old, then a single dosage of diazepam for him will be 100-300 mcg for every kilogram of his weight. In this amount, the drug is administered every 2-5 minutes, but the child should receive no more than 5 mg. If necessary, after 2-4 hours the injection is repeated.
  • If a child is older than 5 years, then a single dose for such a patient is 1 mg, and the maximum dose is 10 mg. All other conditions are the same as for younger children.


Due to the excess dose of Relanium, consciousness is depressed, reflexes are reduced, tremor occurs, pressure and heart rate decrease, vision is disturbed, or other dangerous symptoms appear. To eliminate them, they resort to gastric lavage, forced diuresis, taking sorbents and symptomatic agents (vasoconstrictor, heart drugs, glucose with insulin, etc.).

Drug interaction

Relanium is not recommended to be combined with many other drugs, among which are muscle relaxants, sedatives, MAO inhibitors, some antibiotics, cardiac glycosides, and sleeping pills. A complete list of all these medicines can be found in the instructions attached to the ampoules.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is sold exclusively by prescription, as Relanium is on the list of potent drugs that are controlled by the Ministry of Health. Keep vials should be at a temperature of + 15 + 25 degrees in a place hidden from sunlight and children. The shelf life of such funds - 5 years.


About Relanium speak mostly well, calling it an effective and effective means. The drug quickly eliminates nervous excitement, cramps, anxiety, or increased muscle tone. The disadvantages of injections include the frequent occurrence of side effects and addiction.


Another medicine with the same active ingredient (Sibazon, Seduxen, Relium) or with a similar action (Phenibut, Afobazole, Tenoten, Noofen, Atarax, Adaptol, Grandaksin and others). These medicines are produced in different forms - in coated tablets, ampoules, capsules, lozenges. In addition, they have different active ingredients, age restrictions and contraindications, therefore choose analogue Relanium should a doctor.

How to use Relanium, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


