Can children give Validol?


Validol is a drug that is often used by older people with heart pain. But is it used in the treatment of children and does such a drug harm the children's body?

Composition and release form

Validol is produced by many pharmaceutical companies in several forms:

  • In pillsabsorbed in the mouth (under the tongue). They are packed in blisters of 6 or 10 pieces, and in one pack can be from 6 to 20 tablets.
  • In drops. This liquid form is poured into dropper bottles of 5-25 ml.
  • In the sublingual capsules. They are packaged in packs of 10, 20, 40, or more.

The active substance in any form of the drug is represented by a menthol solution combined with menthyl ether isovalerate. Tablets include 60 mg of this substance, capsules - 50 or 100 mg. Additionally, glucose or dextrose is present in the tablets, as well as calcium stearate and sucrose. Gelatin, nipagin and glycerin act as auxiliary substances in capsules.

How does it work?

Validol has a reflex effect on nerve endings, thanks to which, after its use, vessels are moderately dilated, and endorphins, histamine and some other substances that affect the pain and permeability of the vascular walls are released and formed. Also, the drug has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Can I give to children?

In the annotation to the medication noted that Validol is not used until 12 years.


Validol demand:

  • With neurosis;
  • In hysteria;
  • With airborne or with seasickness.

Sometimes doctors prescribe inhalations with Validol from cough - both from dry and from long wet. For the procedure, the tablet is dissolved in water, and then baking soda and iodine are added. However, to do such inhalation without a doctor's prescription should not be.


The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients and for hypotension. All forms of Validol, including sugar, are contraindicated for problems with carbohydrate metabolism and diabetes.

Side effects

In some patients, the use of Validol provokes nausea, headache or an allergic reaction. Also, taking this medicine may cause dizziness or tearing.

Instructions for use

The tablet is placed under the tongue and held in the mouth until it is completely dissolved. Drops are applied to sugar and also placed under the tongue. The dosage and duration of use in each case is determined individually.


Poisoning with a high dose of Validol is manifested by nausea, a decrease in blood pressure, a headache, and a malfunction of the heart. An overdose of the drug can have both a stimulating and a depressing effect on the nervous system.

Terms of purchase and storage

You can buy medicine at a pharmacy without a prescription by paying for 10 tablets from 10 to 20 rubles. Keep pills and capsules at home should be hidden from the kids place at a temperature below +25 degrees, drops - at temperatures up to +15 degrees. The shelf life of the tablet form is 3 years, capsules - 2 years, drops - 2 or 4 years.


For neurosis, Validol may be used instead. other drugs with a sedative effect, eg:

When rocking Validol, it is better to replace the pills:

  • Dramina (allowed from 3 years);
  • Ciel (applied from 2 years of age);
  • Aviamarin (prescribed for children over 6 years old).
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Many mothers use Validol themselves for strong feelings or heart pains and speak positively of this medicine. However, in most cases this drug is not given to children, preferring soothing drugs and anti-motion sickness permitted for children.

Those parents who gave the child medication as prescribed by a doctor, note that the effect of the medicine occurs literally a few minutes after it gets into the mouth, and negative side effects occur rarely.

Does validol help with heart pain? See the video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


