Which vitamins are best for children 5 years?


A growing child needs a certain amount of nutrients, among which vitamins play a significant role. Toddlers should get them from food, but this is not always possible, and then pediatricians recommend vitamin supplements. What vitamins are important for 5 year olds and in which products are they present? When do you need to pay attention to pharmacy vitamins and which supplements are best for this age?

Special features

13 vitamins should be ingested daily, many of which are vital. With their lack of growth is disrupted, the development of the baby is delayed, the crumb begins to hurt more often. At 5 years of age, the skeleton is actively growing and muscles are developing, and vision is being formed, so special attention should be paid to adequate intake of vitamin D, group B vitamins, and also vitamin A.

Vitamins for a child of 5 years
When it is impossible to complete nutrition, vitamin complexes are saved.

The requirements for vitamins in 5 years and their effect on the body of the baby, see the table:


What affects the child's body

Norm in 5 years


On the absorption of minerals (the main measure of calcium and phosphorus), the formation of the skeletal system, strengthening of the teeth, local immunity.

400 IU (10 µg)


On the processes of growth, the state of vision and skin, the work of the immune system, the state of the mucous membranes.

1600 IU (500 mcg)


To strengthen the body's defenses, vascular walls, the state of connective tissue and muscles.

45 mg

IN 1

On the course of metabolic processes, the nervous system and the digestive tract.

0.9 mg

AT 2

On the production of energy, metabolic processes, the condition of the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.

1.1 mg

B3 (PP)

On cellular respiration, skin condition and digestion.

12 mg

AT 5

On fat metabolism, the synthesis of hormones, the production of antibodies.

4 mg

AT 6

On the processes of blood formation, strengthening of protective forces.

1.1 mg

B7 (N)

On the condition of the skin, nails and hair,

liver function, metabolic processes.

25 mcg

B9 (folate)

On the formation of cells and blood formation processes.

75 mcg

AT 12

On the processes of blood formation, the work of the nervous system.

1 mcg


On the processes of tissue regeneration, the state of the mucous membranes and skin, blood vessel walls, heart function.

7 mg


On the process of blood clotting.

20 mcg


Vitamin supplements can be given to five-year-olds if:

  • The child is poorly fed, for example, the family does not have the ability to provide a balanced diet or the child’s body does not tolerate certain foods.
  • The pediatrician diagnosed hypovitaminosis in the baby. It is manifested by lethargy, poor skin condition, decreased appetite, impaired vision, frequent colds and other signs.
  • A child has a fairly high physical or intellectual burden, for example, the baby goes to the sports section or to additional developmental activities, and the lack of vitamins is expressed by disturbing symptoms.
  • The kid began to get sick often or was treated for a long time (especially if there was antibiotic therapy).
  • Parents want to support the body of the child during the seasonal reduction of vitamins in food.


To avoid the use of vitamin supplements at 5 years of age is necessary when:

  • Intolerance to any vitamin that is present in the selected complex.
  • Hypervitaminosis, which revealed a doctor.
  • Severe diseases of the excretory system.
Child 5 years at the doctor
Vitamin complexes should be selected by a doctor

Should I use to strengthen the immune system?

The immune system of a five-year-old child works under conditions of increased stress, since at this age children go to the garden and to development centers, begin to attend a circus, a cinema, performances and other events with a large number of people.

For the prevention of colds and viral diseases, a child is recommended to take complexes with high dosages of vitamins C, D, E and A. A doctor should select vitamin complexes in the presence of disturbing symptoms.

In these vitamins mark the property to strengthen the body's defenses. Manufacturers of vitamin supplements offer special complexes that support the immunity of children. Among the most popular supplements of this trend are Multi-tabs Immuno Kids, Pikovit Prebiotic and VitaMishki Immuno +.

Forms of release

Vitamins for children are presented:

  • Sweet syrup.
  • Gel, which is smeared on cookies.
  • Powder to dissolve in water or food.
  • Chewable solid tablets.
  • Chewy soft lozenges.

Why are chewable vitamins popular?

Vitamins for children in the form of tablets or lozenges, which kids chew, like 5-year-old children more than other forms of release, as they have a pleasant taste and interesting shape. Most often, these vitamins are made in the form of animals.

It is not necessary to swallow and drink such pills with water, so there are no problems with taking a chewable vitamin.

Chewable vitamins for a child of 5 years
Children like chewable vitamin bears.

What vitamins are better to give: a review of popular

Vitamins for the five-year-olds that are most in demand:


Release form

Daily dosage for child 5 years

Features and benefits of the drug



2 tsp. (10 ml)

Copes with hypovitaminosis.

Includes essential vitamins.

The liquid form is easily swallowed.

Pikovit 4+

Chewable tablets

1 tablet

Includes 10 vitamins, as well as calcium and phosphorus.

Well suited for poor appetite, after treatment with antibiotics and malnutrition.

There is an option for children with diabetes or obesity (Pikovit D 4+).

Pikovit Plus 4+

Chewable tablets

1 tablet

Includes 12 vitamins, iron, iodine, zinc and calcium.

Well suited for low body mass and appetite problems.

Recommended for the prevention of hypovitaminosis and asthenic syndrome.

Kinder Biovital


1 tsp (5g)

Convenient form of gel.

Pleasant fruity smell and taste.

Safety for children.

Vitamins supplemented with lecithin.

Stimulates growth and appetite, eliminates fatigue, strengthens the immune system.

Vitrum Kids

Chewable tablets

1 tablet

Includes 12 vitamins and 10 minerals.

Tablets with a pleasant strawberry flavor.

It supports brain activity, strengthens teeth and bones, stimulates the immune system.

VitaMishki Multi +

Chewable lozenges

1 pastil

Nice shape and pleasant taste.

Good impact on intellectual activity (improves memory and attention).

In addition to vitamins include zinc, iodine, choline and inositol.

In addition, there are no synthetic additives for color and taste.

Alphabet Kindergarten

Chewable tablets

3 tablets

Includes all vitamins and 9 minerals.

The components are combined in optimal combinations for mastering and influencing the organism.

The daily dose is represented by 3 tablets with different flavors.

You can take pills in any order.

The supplement stimulates mental development, increases resistance to stress factors.

There are no synthetic colors, preservatives or flavors in the product.

Multi-tabs Junior

Chewable tablets

1 tablet

There are 11 vitamins and 7 minerals in the supplement formula.

Tablets are presented by 2 tastes - raspberry-strawberry and fruit.

Good effect on the immunity and resistance of the child's body to increased stress.

In addition, no preservatives, as well as artificial colors.

Children's Centrum

Chewable tablets

1 tablet

The complex includes 13 vitamins and 5 minerals.

The drug helps with anemia, asthenia and calcium deficiency.

The supplement stimulates mental development, positively affects the bones and the immune system.

In the product there is no sugar and dyes.

Nature's Plus Source of Life Animal Parade Gold

Chewable tablets

2 tablets

Represented by animal figures.

Includes vitamins and minerals, supplemented with enzymes, bacteria and other valuable compounds.

Well affects the condition of the bones, immunity and digestive function.

Nature's Way Alive!

Chewable tablets

2 tablets

The complex includes vitamins C, A, E and D in high doses.

The formula contains minerals, as well as extracts from vegetables and fruits.

Helps strengthen bones and teeth, improves eye health and digestive tract.


Chewable tablets

1 tablet

Represented by animal figures.

Includes essential vitamins.

Helps strengthen the immune system, bones, as well as support vision.

Junior junior

Chewable lozenges

1 pastil

Includes 11 vitamins and calcium.

Pastilles are represented by 2 flavors - apricot and chocolate.

Used to prevent hypovitaminosis.

Nutritional correction as an alternative

Since the child receives most of the vitamins from food, careful control of the diet can fill all vitamins in a 5-year-old baby.

One of the main vitamins at this age is considered to be vitamin D. It is contained in eggs, butter, and oily fish. In addition, this vitamin is produced in the skin in direct sunlight, so the child should spend enough time in the sun, especially in winter.

No less important at the age of 5 and vitamin A, which the child can get from:

  • Vegetable fat.
  • Dairy products.
  • Green vegetables.
  • Pumpkins and carrots.
  • Fish and eggs as well fish oil.
  • Berries.

Five-year-old children should get ascorbic acid from fresh fruits, berries, and fresh vegetables. Sources of vitamins of group B are cereals, bread, vegetables, meat and greens. To obtain vitamin E in the diet of babies must be present in vegetable oils.

About menu of a child in 5 years read in another article.

Balanced nutrition with vitamins for a child
A balanced diet is much healthier than vitamin complexes. If possible, choose the first one.

Opinion Komarovsky

A popular doctor is convinced that without vitamins, children cannot develop and grow normally, so every parent should take care of adequate intake of vitamins by his child. At the same time, Komarovsky believes that it is quite realistic to provide for the needs of vitamins with a varied diet, and pharmaceutical preparations should be taken only with hypovitaminosis confirmed by a doctor.

For more on this, see the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.


  • Go to the pharmacy for vitamins only after consulting a pediatrician. He will take into account the characteristics of your child, advise the most optimal option and consider the rationality of their introduction. Also, ask for feedback from other parents of five year olds.
  • When selecting vitamins, make sure that the complex is recommended for 5-year-old children. Giving a child vitamins, the dosage of which is designed for older children or adults, is unacceptable. In addition, it is not necessary to increase the dosage of even vitamins that are suitable for a five year old toddler.
  • For the purchase of vitamins, children are best sent to the pharmacy and pick up products from reputable manufacturers.
  • If you want to choose a vitamin-mineral complex for a 5-year-old baby, pay attention to the dosage of calcium, iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium and zinc.
  • Be especially careful when choosing a vitamin preparation for a child with a tendency to allergies, as additives for color, taste, or smell in vitamin preparations can cause a reaction.
  • If you are interested in a vitamin complex to improve memory, look at the dosage of vitamin D, iodine, B vitamins, iron and selenium.
  • After giving the vitamin to the child for the first time, follow the reaction of the crumbs to the drug. If rash, diarrhea, skin redness, nausea and other adverse symptoms occur, the supplement should be discontinued.
  • Consider the tonic effect of vitamin supplements, which is noted in most drugs, so it is best to give the remedy to the child in the morning.
  • Take care of the storage of vitamins, as sweet pills can be perceived by the child as a treat. It is necessary to exclude the situation when the child can get all the packaging and eat a lot of vitamins immediately.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


