Gymnastics for children from 1 to 2 years: effective exercises


Develop the physical data of a small child is very important: the more work with him will be carried out, the faster and more confident he will go. Working with children after a year will provide an opportunity to make the baby more coordinated, agile and agile, which is a prerequisite for proper development and a happy childhood. To do gymnastics with a child correctly, you need a certain set of exercises and tasks that a crumb must perform daily.

Special features

Children who have turned one year old already have a considerable reserve of skills and knowledge and want to expand and improve it even more. Thanks to the help of parents, they may have such an opportunity, it is only important to get down to business seriously and for a long time. Charging for children 1-2 years should be simple but fascinatingAfter all, the basis of the baby's activity is a game.

To choose the right exercises, it is important to analyze the child’s activities and focus on what’s not yet working.

Based on the age characteristics and physical development of children, it is possible to build classes with the baby on the basis of the following knowledge.

  • In 12-14 months the child should walk well enough, climb the one-meter ladder, climb on all fours and overcome obstacles in this way, jump in one place and throw the ball with two hands. If some kind of activity fails or comes with great difficulties, it is worthwhile to come up with a set of game tasks for developing problem skills.
  • For children 14-16 months, free stepping over an obstacle, throwing the ball at a distance, descending and climbing a ladder with the help of the step of a step, as well as the ascent of a low hill, become the norm. Classes with the baby can take place both at home in the form of charging, and in the form of active games on the playground.
  • When the baby is 1.5 years old, he can cope with obstacles whose height is not less than 10 centimeters, climb a log or a small stump, throw a ball to a certain place, jump in one place and walk along a small hill: curb, bench. The emergence of new abilities can help in building a more complex set of activities for the child.
  • In 1.6-2 years the kid can cope with walking on an incline, climb a ladder more than a meter high, step over an obstacle up to 20 cm high, throw the ball to the right place from a place at a distance of 70 cm, actively run and jump. At this age, it is useful to include a large number of active games with movement, since the baby is already quite developed.
  • In 2-3 years the child can observe the ability to pass on an inclined surface with a difference of 20-30 cm from the floor level, climbing on a stool, stepping over obstacles of any size and diameter not exceeding 30 cm in height and 20 cm in length. In addition, he can throw a ball far enough, actively run and jump. For well-formed and formed kids, you need to create a full-fledged complex of morning exercises, which, in addition to games, will already include sports exercises.

Exercise will have a positive effect on all areas of child development, it will be more fun, active and inquisitive. With the help of parents will be able to master many more skills that some peers will not be able to do yet. Choosing the right exercises for children of different ages, you can achieve positive results.

Charging for the smallest

Morning exercises help to get rid of sleep and quickly return to normal, which is important for both adults and children, especially if he goes to kindergarten or school. However, you can start working with children much earlier. In 1 year, you can carry out preventive massages before training, and in conclusion - a little stretching and relaxation exercises for the child’s body.

The essence of work at this age is reduced to the most simple tasks.

  • Collect items in the basket of the appropriate color. The task helps not only to develop physical activity, but also to learn colors, which is very important at this age.
  • Throw the ball in the bucket (imitation of basketball). If there is a children's basketball, you can throw the ball in a special ring.
  • Find the hidden toy. Mom hides a medium sized toy not far away, the child should find it.
  • Go in a circle. Put a hoop on the floor and ask the child to go in and out. You can submit as a game: when it is raining outside - you need to hide, when the sun is - you can get out of the circle.
  • Be sure to dance a little with the baby, developing a sense of rhythm and uplifting the child.

Classes with children from one to two years

At one and a half years you can complicate the complex of activities with the child.

  • Walking, but not straight, but around the subject. It will be good in the process of moving to sing songs or pronounce a rhyme.
  • Catch up game. The parent directs the hoop to roll forward, and the child must have time to come to the finish line faster, using only walking, not running.
  • Jumping in a puddle. The same hoop is used, the task is to jump over the rim with two legs and get inside. To make the baby more interesting, you can imitate jumping in puddles.
  • Exercises for agility. Put the hoop on the floor, the child must immediately go through it, then jump into it, and in the end - climb on all fours through it.
  • Basketball. With the help of the hoop, which the parent holds as a basketball hoop, you can train the agility and coordination of the kid standing with the ball. The task of the child is to correctly throw the ball with one or two hands and get inside the hoop.
  • Exercise on the floor. Lying on your back, lifting your legs up, you need to carry out circular movements with your feet, as if spinning the bicycle pedals.
  • Exercise on the abdomen. It is necessary to simultaneously raise the legs and arms, imitating a boat floating on the waves. It is important to keep the feet and hands pressed together. The task of the baby - as long as possible to maintain this position.
  • As a hitch You can use the exercise for the development of the muscles of the foot: sitting on a chair, with your toes, pull the hoop to yourself alternately with each leg. When the child will cope with this task easily, you can use small toys that you need to move the foot from one place to another.

Such an active and at the same time fun work with a child will soon give its fruits, and the baby will be more active than his peers, more coordinated and dexterous, which will help in preparing for classes in the kindergarten and future sports section.

If we talk about classes with children at the age of two, then the complex becomes even more complicated for them, and can have such an appearance.

  • Walking using an artificial elevation or slide, which you need to go in and get off. For the first attempts it is important to accompany the child and lead by the hand, later only to be present nearby.
  • Jumping exercises. Carrying out different jumps in direction and height with pronouncing rhymes about the rabbit.
  • Exercise coordination and flexibility. Tension the rope or put a gymnastic stick at a small height and give the task to crawl under it without touching.
  • Exercise with the ball. Learn to work with the ball with one hand, holding her head. The maximum range should be about one meter.
  • Exercise on balance. Build a path with obstacles and ask the child to walk along it, gently stepping everything that will meet him on the way.
  • Exercise supine. Raise the legs up, alternately right and left, try the two together.
  • Exercise lying on his stomach. Give the child a ball in his hands and ask him to raise his hands up so that the ball leaves the ground. The number of repetitions - from 2 to 5.
  • If there is a Swedish staircase at homeit is worth working on it, asking the baby to slowly climb to a safe height and slowly get down.
  • Hold a hitch with the help of finger games using poems and warm-up fingers.

A set of exercises can be very diverse, because it is based on the state of physical development and health of the child. If there are any contraindications, temporary or permanent, it is necessary to use exercise therapy, if possible, train with the baby in the pool and do everything in order for the child to develop normally.

More information about gymnastics for children from 1 to 2 years, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


