Gymnastics for children


To engage in the physical development of children need from an early age. It is difficult for parents to independently give all the necessary complex and to teach him correctly, therefore it is best to send children to the sections, however, some exercises can be done at home.

Special features

Children of any age need movement and physical development, and the sooner parents take care of fully satisfying this need, the healthier the child will grow. For kids who have not yet turned 2 years old, you can come up with interesting and diverse games that will fully develop them. For children 3 years old, charging in the kindergarten and at home should already be introduced.

A daily set of exercises will be familiar to the child, and in the company of an adult it will also be an interesting and exciting exercise.

Each age dictates a certain kind of load that can be given, and a type of activity suitable for a baby. When the moment comes, where the attention of parents and help in physical development becomes small, the question arises of how to give the child to the section.

In each family, the decision is made in favor of the type of activity that the child or his parents are interested in; however, gymnastics for children will be the most useful for general physical development.

This section is very different from classes with young children, as the learning process includes work not only on strengthening the muscular corset, but also getting acquainted with sports equipment that children will have to cope with in the future. These include:

  • crossbar;
  • parallel bars;
  • horse;
  • rings;
  • exercise mat.

Training of this type will help improve health, improve immunity, improve coordination abilities, endurance and flexibility, form a correct posture and a beautiful taut figure that will add self-confidence to a child.

Classes in the sports section of children develop self-discipline, willpower and self-control, which is beneficial to the kids and helps their parents.

Gymnastics is available for everyone except those guys who have contraindications for such a plan as:

  • problems with the musculoskeletal system, diseases of bone tissue, spinal column;
  • inflammatory or other processes in the joints and tendons;
  • abnormal bone development;
  • diabetes and similar diseases.

If there is any of the above problems, donating a child to the sports section is not necessary, for such cases there are rehabilitation centers and instructors who can provide expert help.

At what age is it worth giving children to the gym?

Children's physical activity begins from the moment the baby fully develops the skill of walking. From this period it is possible to introduce elements of training with a bias towards physical education.

The older the baby is, the better it will be able to cope with the tasks set, and the movements will become clearer and more correct. When preparing for entry to kindergarten, parents should familiarize their child with the basics of charging so that this type of activity will be familiar to him.

Often, the first full-fledged workouts for children begin after entering kindergarten, when parents get more time for self-realization, at the same time thinking about who their child will be in the future.Sports sections do not accept kids for 2-3 years, usually this category is engaged in semi-professional children's clubs, where there is a good instructor who can correctly develop the program and bring it to the children in an understandable form.

As a rule, trainings with kids are conducted in the form of a game, with music, dancing and interesting tasks. The older the children become, the more serious their tasks must be. So, the age of four is most appropriate to try your hand at sports and master serious tops. Children at the age of 4-5 do a good job with the tasks that the gymnastics coach gives, and they do it with interest.

The group that the coaches are recruiting at the beginning of the year can be quite large, because some of the children will be eliminated during the season. By itself, the sport is very difficult, and not every child will endure intense workouts for one and a half to two hours. Serious sections can conduct classes 4-5 times a week, which, accordingly, is not cheap, which means that not all parents can pull it.

So, gymnastics as a sport is available to children from four years old - both girls and boys. Exercises, which are given in training, are initially aimed at developing the child’s physical abilities, so that in the end he can cope with sports equipment and the tasks offered by the trainer.

Serious organizations have a responsible approach to training, warning parents about the presence of fitness, which should be the same for everyone.

Girls are encouraged to wear swimsuits and Czechs, boys are comfortable shorts and a T-shirt. In addition, before taking to the gymnastics gymnastics, the trainer may ask for the child’s health certificate in order not to harm him in any way.

What gives occupation of such a sport?

The child who will regularly attend classes in gymnastics will surely ensure good health, a athletic and developed figure, and the ability to do a large number of exercises both with and without objects.

Young athletes are not only beautiful in appearance, they are attached to the philosophy of this sport, which makes it necessary to control every movement to avoid injury. Discipline and self-control give a great advantage in adulthood, allowing you to confidently achieve your goals.

Since gymnastics is an Olympic sport, competitions for children are not uncommon. The opportunity to travel around the country, or even go abroad, the chance to meet great athletes leaves a large mark in the mind of a child and forms the right person, with the necessary values ​​and ideals.

In the summer, you can give the child to the sports camp, if you can not go together to the sea. Having company of like-minded people who train together, defend their club at competitions and have a rest in one circle, allows all children to feel needed, important for the team and meaningful, which is very important, especially for those who grow up in an incomplete family.

Gymnastics gives you the opportunity to engage in this type of activity as a hobby, and to qualify for the Olympic reserve, strive to go to the Olympics, to represent your country.

For professional athletes, many doors open, they have sponsors, impressive fees and the ability to travel all over the world doing their favorite business.

Training in gymnastics for each child will give something of their own, in any case it is important to bear the benefit, whatever it may be. Those who regularly attend such classes:

  • become more plastic;
  • learn to listen to the tempo and rhythm of music;
  • girls gain grace and femininity in their movements;
  • boys become physically strong, as seen from the outside;
  • get full physical development.

All of these factors are the undeniable advantages of attending gymnastics training for children over four years old.

What are the concerns of parents?

Despite the huge number of advantages of training in gymnastics, they also have negative sides, to which injuries are primarily attributed. Since the child must cope with sports equipment, in the process of training or at the competitions themselves there are frequent cases of injuries of varying severity.

It is terrible for any parent to expose their child to such a risk, but it is worth remembering that any activity is dangerous, and the ability to correctly cope with the task minimizes the risks.

Children are not put on the projectiles until they are fully strengthened and are not ready for the element that they will be taught.

Having a qualified trainer minimizes the risk of falling, stretching or fracturing a limb in training. In the event that the element is fully learned and the young athlete can cope with it, there should be no problems.

      Professional sport involves the possibility of injury, because not all children who have begun to go on one or another type of activity, continue their journey to the end, many go into the category of amateurs and those who are engaged only to maintain their health.

      Do not be afraid to give the child to the section in gymnastics - the experience that he will receive there will be invaluable, and the fear of injury that may never be able to break the path of a great athlete, winner of the Olympic Games or any other significant competition.

      You can learn about the children's gymnastics lesson under the guidance of an experienced trainer in the following video.

      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


