Ursofalk for jaundice of newborns


With the advent of jaundice in an infant in the first days of life, many parents are confronted, and in most cases this is a normal condition that does not require any therapy. However, in some babies, neonatal jaundice requires treatment, and then doctors prescribe drugs, for example, such an effective and safe drug as Ursofalk.

How does it work?

This medicine is a hepatoprotector, that is, it is able to protect the liver from the toxic effects of bilirubin. Its active ingredient is ursodeoxycholic acid. It stimulates the secretion of bile, resulting in a decrease in the load on the children's body. The medicine that has entered the baby’s blood speeds up the binding of free bilirubin, which contributes to a faster jaundice release. In addition, this drug improves the work of the stomach and pancreas.


In newborns, Ursofalk is prescribed for neonatal jaundice, when bilirubin levels are alarmingly high. In addition, this drug can be assigned to a baby with:

  • Liver damage with substances with toxic effects.
  • Heparitis.
  • Esophageal reflux.
  • Disorders of the biliary tract.
  • Stagnant bile.
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • Taking medications that can affect the condition and function of the liver.
Ursofalk is prescribed for babies not only for jaundice, but also for other diseases.


Ursofalk cannot be prescribed to newborns with:

  • Intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Acute inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Acute intestinal inflammation.
  • Problems with the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Non-functioning gallbladder.
  • Pronounced disorders of the liver or kidneys.


In pharmacies, Ursofalk is presented both in capsule form and in liquid form (250 ml bottles). For newborn babies, a suspension is used, which is given to the baby with a spoon.

The average daily dosage is 10 mg of the drug per 1 kg of baby weight.

Ursofalk is sold in different forms of release, but children are prescribed a suspension

Instructions for use

Ursofalk is used for jaundice in newborn babies only after prescription. Only a pediatrician should calculate the desired dose and determine the regimen of the drug. Independently adjust the appointment of a specialist can not. The suspension is easily dosed using the measuring spoon attached to the bottle.

Usually the remedy is given at night or before bedtime.


Most of the parents who were prescribed a pediatrician to give a newborn with jaundice Ursofalk call this medicine effective and safe. They note that after a few days of taking the drug the yellowness of the sclera and skin decreases. The advantages include the ease of use, as the baby to give a liquid medicine is quite easy.

Side effects of the drug, according to parents, are rare. Often they are represented by digestive disorders (vomiting, regurgitation, colic). Also, some mothers note that the baby after taking Ursofalk became restless and sleep badly. In some infants, the drug caused an allergic reaction.

Parents call the main disadvantages of the medication a rather high cost, as well as a bitter unpleasant taste. Since the treatment of the baby of the first month of life requires quite a bit of the drug, a rather large amount of unused medicine remains.


If for any reason it is impossible to give the baby Ursofalk, the pediatrician can replace this remedy with:

  • Hofitol. This medicine contains artichoke extract. Available in the form of a solution that is taken orally.
  • Ursosan. Contains ursodeoxycholic acid, but is available only in capsules. They are opened, added to the contents of some water and give the baby.
  • Essentiale Forte N. This is also a capsule drug whose active ingredient is phosphatidylcholine.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


