51-year-old radio host Ksenia Strizh first became a mother

In their "for 50", the famous radio host Ksenia Strizh decided for the first time to experience the joy of motherhood. Her son is 15 years old and he used to live in an orphanage.

With a Chelyabinsk teenager Nikita Xenia has long been familiar. She had long planned to take him to education from last year, and now her dream come true.

Earlier, the child came to visit her, spent winter holidays with Ksenia.

Nikita has a mom and dad, but they are deprived of parental rights.

Ksenia explained that she was glad that she has the opportunity to give this beautiful child a new, full life.

Two years later, Nikita is going to enroll in a circus school and the adoptive mother fully supports his desire.

Xenia’s former love, singer Andrei Makarevich, could not help but respond to the event from his personal life, Swift, and has already told his subscribers on the Internet that Xenia’s decision supports and believes that she is very responsible, and therefore with the upbringing of a teenager perfectly cope.

Recently, Ksenia married. Her favorite was the producer Andrei Susikov, who is 17 years younger. Thanks to him, she completely got rid of alcohol addiction, lost weight and prettier.

The radio host has no children of her own, she was pregnant, but, unfortunately, the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in 2011.


