At the cost of their own lives: an American refused cancer treatment for the sake of the birth of healthy children

Daniel Dick, 32, a United States woman, had to make a difficult choice - own life or the health of future children.

She made it and consciously refused cancer therapy, so as not to endanger the lives and health of the twins, which she bore at that time.

Exactly 10 months after their birth, a woman died of cancer.

A terrible diagnosis - "skin cancer" was made to a woman in 2011.

Melanoma was able to remove, and within five years the disease did not return. In 2015, Daniel gave birth to her first baby and almost immediately became pregnant with twins.

Along with signs of toxicosis, symptoms of cancer recurrence appeared - the woman began to tire, her speech worsened, and soon she could barely speak.

The survey showed that metastases have penetrated the brain and intestines. It was quite possible to remove them, but compulsory radiotherapy was required. Pregnancy would have to be interrupted or preserved, but no one vouched for the effects of radiation on the twins in the mother's womb.

After thinking, the woman decided to abandon the rescue operation and treatment so that her children would have a chance to be born completely healthy.

The story of a courageous mother conquered the parents of the whole world, recently she was published in a number of Western media.

After her death, Daniel brings up three kids her husband.


