Happiness is not in money - an unemployed and homeless woman sued three kids from her official husband

Judicial precedent is registered in Chelyabinsk. There unemployed and homeless woman managed to win the court against the former husband-official. The ex-spouses were suing because of three joint children.

The marriage lasted 11 years, the couple divorced a year ago. However, they still continue to live in the same apartment, which the mayor’s office of Chelyabinsk, in which he works, provided her husband.

Despite the lack of work and housing, the woman went to court so that the place of residence of three children was determined with her, because once she did planning to leave and get your own apartment or house.

Former husband, as he could, opposed such a court decision. However, the court delivered a verdict that surprised the lawyers a lot. The mother’s requirements were fully met. The judge explained his decision general rights and principles of the main state document - the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The judge decided to take the word chelyabinka, taking with her a promise that she must get a job.

It should be noted that the woman had no money for a lawyer, so she herself represented her interests in court, and she gained the necessary knowledge for the process from books on family law.


