Children's doctor in St. Petersburg to heal his son to the east medicine

In the northern capital, a woman pediatrician appeared before the court of the Kuibyshev region, who was so enthusiastic about oriental medicine that healed her little son diabetic to death.

The doctor decided that diabetes in the child will help cope exclusively eastern practices.

The boy had type 1 diabetes, and he needed medical treatment. Mom-pediatrician knew this very well, but decided to trust the advice of Eastern medicine.

She stopped making the baby need insulin. But she began to do with the child breathing exercises and sent the child to tibetan massage in one of St. Petersburg centers of alternative medicine.

The boy stayed on such a "treatment" for only three days.

Then he fell into a diabetic coma and died a few days later. The doctors of the department where this happened were shocked - mother has a medical degree and treats other children, and decided to experiment on her own child!

They reported to the police. It was a criminal case.

The mother was accused of causing death by negligence, although the prosecutor's office demanded to retrain the article and judge the woman not only as a careless mother, but also as a careless doctor who could not be trusted with the lives of other young patients.

In court, the woman acknowledged the prosecution, but refused to consider herself guilty, still claiming that Eastern medicine is much higher than traditional.

The court sentenced the pediatric doctor to 10 months of correctional labor.

This story can be very instructive for many fans of alternative medicine.

Sociologists from the "Levada Center" last year revealed the true state of affairs in society - more than half of families with children, according to the survey, trust traditional medicine more than the official.

Every third family takes on faith the methods of Eastern medicine. About 30% of young parents do not believe doctors at all and prefer to check the child’s diagnoses and prescriptions in various Internet sources.

As long as the situation remains the same, the risk of infant mortality due to the lack of medical aid remains high.


