Where the most healthy children live in Russia: ONF presented the results of the study

Specialists of the Russian Popular Front, together with experts from the Foundation for Independent Monitoring of Medical Services Health, were able to find out where exactly in our country live the strongest, strongest and healthiest children. The study was based on data from Rosstat.

The rating includes information on which regions have the highest and lowest childhood incidence rates. So, the most healthy little Russians are found in Kabardino-Balkaria (more than 53% of children are completely healthy). Chechnya deservedly ranked second, and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic ranked third.

In the top ten regions of the federation, where health indicators among children and adolescents exceed 40%, there are Moscow Region, Stavropol Territory, Sevastopol, Orenburg Region, Sakhalin, Novosibirsk and the Republic of Adygea.

The most dismal health indicators (about 20-30% of healthy babies per hundred) are registered in the Nenets Autonomous District, Ingushetia, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Astrakhan and Saratov regions, in Dagestan and St. Petersburg. The most alarming indicators are in the Sverdlovsk region (about 22%).

In order to make such ratings, all babies from birth to 18 years old in a particular region were divided into five groups: first included babies who are sick no more than once a year. The second were guys who also rarely get sick, but have reasonable and diagnosed risks of chronic illnesses.

The third group included boys and girls, having chronic diseasesbut not suffering from frequent exacerbations. In the fourth group were children with chronic illnesses and frequent exacerbationsin the fifth group - children with disabilities and children with severe congenital malformations.

Experts have not yet provided a detailed analysis of the results, but have already hinted that high rates of child health fell on the regions. with more favorable environmental conditions, with a developed network of medical care.

Also more healthy are the children who mostly grow in villages, auls, closer to nature. Regions where the majority of the child population is urban share, children's health indicators are significantly lower.


