Kindness will save the world: a Canadian neurosurgeon, at the request of a small patient, had to operate on a teddy bear

Canadian children's neurosurgeon Daniel McNeely suddenly became famous. His deed struck everyone with his touching and kindness.

The doctor, whose time is by the clock, found time in the tight schedule between operations to operate on a teddy bear. He was asked about this by a little patient named Jackson Mackey.

The child has suffered from severe hydrocephalus since birth. Daniel made a shunting to him several years ago so that the extra fluid could be drained from the brain through a special tube. But the shunt regularly need to inspect, clean, change.

And this time the kid and his parents arrived at a scheduled operation to clean the shunt. With a child took a favorite bear named Baby.

On examination, the boy asked Dr. Daniel to inspect and treat the Kid.

The surgeon reacted to the request responsibly. A special table was brought to the ward where the boy was lying, the Kid was laid on him, and an oxygen mask was put on him. Then Daniel examined the teddy patient and found armpit hole in the armpit.

The surgeon's hole was immediately sewn up.

After the bears owner had been operated on, both were laid on the same bed. So, according to the surgeon, it will be easier for the child to transfer the postoperative period.

A little later, Daniel wrote just one phrase in his microblog on the Internet: "How could I refuse?", than and deserved national love and recognition.


