Instant noodles are dangerous for children.

The unexpected danger of instant noodles was called by American scientists.

At the annual conference of the United States Academy of Pediatricians, they made a presentation in which they cited statistics that every year severe burns with instant noodles get up to 10 thousand children.

The World Health Organization (WHO) supported the statement and clarified that up to 180 thousand people die each year from similar burns from boiling liquids, 11 million annually go to doctors with such burns.

Of the total mass up to 60% are children.

According to scientists, the danger of instant noodles lies in the attractive smell that it emits during brewing.

It is achieved by flavoring and monosodium glutamate. As a result, wait until the noodles cool down a little and become more secure, the child does not want, he is in a hurry to try it. As a result, the baby gets burns of varying severity.

An adult knows how to control his desires and compare them with safety notions; children do not know how.

According to the medical services of the United States of America, most often receive similar burns. children aged 3 to 12 years. The most severe burns are children aged 3 to 6 years.

The inventor of instant noodles was Taiwan-born Momofuku Ando, ​​who in 1958 created a product that could help his country go through difficult and rather hungry times. Today, instant noodles are produced in many countries.

Such a product, according to the Japanese, is the main invention of the nation over the past century. According to polls, noodles left even karaoke far behind.


