"Mom at Zero": a documentary was released about how parents "burn out"

It is not customary to talk about it out loud, since the topic of parental “burnout” is considered inappropriate - how can a mom or dad “burn out”? Can Journalist Anastasia Izyumskaya and Anna Kuusmaa devoted the book “Mom at Zero” to this topic a year ago. The book immediately became a bestseller. The other day saw the light documentary of the same nameWhich is recommended to see all parents.

The film tells how emotional “burning out” of mothers and fathers takes place, how to prevent this and what to do if this has already happened.

Both the book and the film tell about the “dark side” of parenthood, about which usually nobody warns anyone in advance. About how a mother can lose all positive emotions and be left alone with longing, chronic fatigue, unwillingness to be a mother anymore. About how mothers are hard and hard, how they feel powerless and desperate. All these feelings can be quite normal.it is only important not to be silent and in full voice to ask for help.

The phenomenon of parental burnout was formulated by psychologists and psychotherapists relatively recently. The task of the film - provide psychological help to moms and dads, show that there is a way out of “burning out”.

The film presents the real stories of different mothers who managed to survive the “burnout”, there are professional comments from renowned experts in the field of psychology and psychoanalysis, as well as useful and effective advice.

The film was shot by the Family Tree team.

According to statistics, the symptoms of emotional "burnout" to some extent detected every womanraising a baby.

Some blame themselves for not being able to cope with their emotions, others try to keep quiet about their feelings, considering them shameful and not worthy of their mother. The film shows that a woman is not alone in her emotions, and there is a way out.

The filmmakers expressed the hope that all moms will see itbut according to them it is much more important that the fathers of babies allocate 20 minutes of time and also watch the video. If men learn to see burnout symptoms in their wives, they can quickly provide them with the help they need in these cases.

We present the full version of the film.


