You never dreamed of: in the USA, the mother bathes the child in a bleach and wipes it with an emery paper because of his rare illness

27-year-old Alicia Barber, a resident of the United States decided to give birth to her baby contrary to the forecasts and recommendations of doctors.

Even during pregnancy, the doctor found in the baby a rare serious illness. Ichthyosis Harlequin - a disease that occurs in one case of 500 thousand births. Doctors insisted on interrupting pregnancy, but the expectant mother categorically refused to do so and saved the child's life.

Because of the cracks and scales on the skin, resembling diamonds on the costume of Arlekino, the disease got this name. Kids with this diagnosis have a very peculiar appearance.

The most dangerous thing for a baby, who was named Jamison, is infection of cracks in the skin.

The young mother now has to do wet cleaning in the house 3-4 times a day. Ordinary antiseptics do not cope with the task, and because Alicia has twice a week bathe your baby in bleach and wipe with sandpaper, as much as possible to save the crumbs from the scales on the skin.

Crumbs love and accept the way he is, despite the severe genetic disease and courageously protect against others, who often demonstrate a squeamish and aggressive attitude towards an unusual child.


