International Children's Day - in numbers and facts

June 1 in Russia, as in many other countries, is celebrated International Children's Day.

This holiday dates back to 1949, the year in the world there was an acute question of child homelessness and deprivation after the Second World War ended.

Rosstat reports that today live in Russia over 29 million children.

They make up approximately 20% of the total population, i.e. every fifth child in Russia.

Child protection in our country is elevated priority state programs.

Particular attention is paid to increasing fertility. However, despite all the social support measures for families with children, last year, according to Rosstat experts, the birth rate was lowest for the last 9 years.

1.69 million children were born in Russia.

Since January 2018, a new list of support measures to improve demographics came into effect, and the birth rate gradually began to grow. It is expected that by the end of the year it will increase by about 30% compared with 2017.

New measures include benefits for a first-born child up to one and a half years, the extension of the matkapital program until 2021, the introduction of a preferential mortgage for families with children.

From 2018 in Russia began Childhood decade. That is how the period from 2018 to 2027 was announced by President Vladimir Putin.

Starting this year, Russia launched a new project in education - it is planned to open about 300 thousand nurseries in kindergartens for babies from 2 months to three years. And the queue in the group of 3 years eliminated in all regions of the Federation in the spring.

Last year, 83 new schools were commissioned.

In the summer, which begins with this kind and touching holiday, it is planned to organize children's holidays for 6 million young Russians, 45 thousand camps and recreation centers will work for them.

And some more interesting statistics:

  • Up to 34% of children in Russia are born out of wedlock;
  • 20% of families with children are to the category of needy and they put additional support measures;
  • 0.05% of children are home schooling for health reasons or the wishes of parents;
  • in the average Russian family today is growing 2 children, as in the times of the USSR, but the tendency towards large families has increased - on average 2.3 children per family with children;
  • children's smiles give happiness and joy to parents in 100% of cases.


