The world famous billionaire Buffett gave 4 tips on how to properly raise successful and happy children.

Warren Buffet is an incredibly successful billionaire who earned his 82 billion dollars just by building on his own qualities and the business approaches he developed. Billionaire is considered the third person in the world in size.

However, at the Forbes summit in San Francisco, Buffett pretty surprised the public by giving a lecture not about business, which was actually expected of him, but about parenting.

In his 88 years, Warren is a dad with many children - he has three children. Daughter Susan and sons Howard and Peter are already adults and also quite successful people.

How to grow up normal people from children and told Buffett.

His first advice was on the simplicity of life.

Despite his wealth, Warren raised children in modesty - they did not go to private schools, but to state schools, like everyone else - by bus, and not in a personal limousine.

The fact that they are the children of a billionaire, all three learned only when they became teenagers.

The second advice for parents sounded like this: "Do not give them everything you have!".

Buffett explained that children need to leave so much money so that they can do something for them, but in no case so much so that they do nothing else.

Therefore, Buffett’s children will not receive a large inheritance - almost all of them bequeathed to the name fund.

The third advice from the billionaire concerns the life orientation of children.

He advised parents to refrain from the advice and guidance of the children on a particular path, on a specific profession.

It would be better if the children will find their own way. On it, they will be able to feel happier and reach heights.

The fourth council Warren gave parents with many children.

He asked them never do not unite your children by force.

He has his own sons and daughters each doing his own business, his father does not force them to do common business or do general charity.

Only when each of the children can be realized in an interesting area for themselves, everyone can remember with gratitude parents and say that they "gave him the best - love and freedom".


