Employees with kids are profitable: the Ministry of Labor will develop incentives for hiring women with children

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministries of Economy and Finance, intend to develop a full range of measures to encouraging employers to take on jobs for women with children from one and a half to three years.

Today, this category of moms are not the most desirable employees, since children of the first three years of life often get sick, mothers are forced to take time off and go to the hospital.

Stimulating employers will be part of the implementation plan for the State Family Policy Concept.

The document provides that women who are on maternity leave should receive equal rights with others for employment and advanced training.

It is not reported yet exactly how employers will be stimulated, but the task is quite specific - personnel departments and heads of organizations should not refuse employment to a woman solely on the basis that her child is not yet three years old.

It is possible that for such a refusal administrative or criminal liability will be introduced, the same as for the refusal of employment according to the age of the employee in connection with the pension reform.

The concept of state family policy in Russia has been adopted until 2025. She was approved four years ago. The document should be implemented in two ways: from 2015 to 2019 and from 2020 to 2025.

In the first five-year period it is necessary to complete work on the development and creation of regional programs that could improve the lives of families. In the second, many important laws and regulations will be revised, which to one degree or another interfere with the normal life of families with children. Amendments will be made for families.


