Stunted children risk a stroke in the future.

The lower the growth of the child, the higher the likelihood that he, already an adult, can develop a stroke. This conclusion was made by Danish scientists. They argue that if the child is below average growth, he is more at risk of bleeding into the brain.

The study was published in the journal "The American Heart Association". Participated in the experiment 300 thousand Danish schoolchildren aged 7, 10, 13. In each age group, low and high children were compared. Using technologies to monitor internal processes in the body, researchers from Denmark came to the conclusion that strokes and heart attacks in the future are more likely to occur in the former, since chances of pinching the vessels and arteries in the cervical spine are likely, which can lead to serious health problems.

Jennifer L. Baker, a professor at the University of Copenhagen, argues that the height of an adult depends on genetic characteristics, but beyond that, it is of great importance how the mother ate during pregnancy, what and how much the child ate as a child, how often stress, does he have chronic diseases, hormonal deficiency.

Thus, in Russia, the average height of a man is 170 centimeters, and of women - about 163 centimeters, while in the Netherlands the average height for men is 183 cm, and for women - 170 cm.

She noted that in developed countries over the past 20 years, the number of strokes has noticeably decreased, at the same time the average height of an adult has increased by 2 cm. Danish scientists warn that Children's health must be monitored at any age.but undersized adolescents need to be taken under special control.


