Details of cynical transgender tests on American children made public.

This flurry of emotions around the world caused the statements of the famous publicist Ryan Anderson.

He stated that with the knowledge of government officials in the USA inhuman experiments on children and adolescents.

LGBT activists and transgender people who are now entering all levels of government have initiated the use of hormonal drugs for children.

At first, according to the publicist, pills, which under the guise of vitamins are given in schools, cause delayed natural puberty. And then they start giving hormones of the opposite sex.

So, girls regularly get the male sex hormone testosterone, and boys - the female hormone estrogen.

The publicist who conducted the investigation asserts that this is done so that the child I wanted to change the floor to the opposite.

All this is an ideology that emerged immediately after the Oberggell process in 2015, which resulted in the legalization of same-sex marriages throughout the United States. After winning for LGB, they focused on transgender people.

Anderson stresses that among children and adolescents who have surgically changed their sex, the suicide rate is 19 times higher than the rest. Such gender experiments take place without parental consent, many moms and dads are simply not informed by medical services of educational institutions that children take hormones.

The interview with Ryan Anderson in English, dated March 2, 2018, can be viewed below.


