Educators have found an unexpected way to raise a successful child.

Employees of the American Association of Student and Youth Tourism (SYTA) found an unexpected and very pleasant way to increase the performance and motivation of the child. They conducted a large-scale survey and found that in the best way travel ability affects learning ability, logic, mental development and motivation of a child.

The study involved one and a half thousand teachers working in schools with children of different ages.

More than half of them said that Travel and travel have a direct impact on the achievement of career and academic success.. Almost all teachers noticed that children who travel in their free time rather than sit at home learn the curriculum at school better; they understand and memorize new information more easily.

75% of the surveyed teachers said that they consider traveling to be a significant factor for the child’s self-development and the desire for self-improvement and development.

Child psychologists have confirmed that children, who often leave the familiar comfort zone (home, close environment) and find themselves in a new and unfamiliar environment for them, adapt more easily, quickly find the right solutions in a variety of situations - from solving a math problem to finding an exit out of a difficult life situation.

It works children's curiosity, curiosity, thirst for adventure. All this mobilizes the psyche of the child or teenager and gives it a healthy "push."

Children, who travel a lot and often, are able to achieve better results in life than those who were kept for hours at the tutors, forced to cram the curriculum and did not let them go for a walk until all the homework is done.

In addition, the study showed that traveling children more tolerant and emotional, they are better developed mentally and psychologically.


