In Petersburg, parents-syroyedy starved one-year-old baby

In one of the St. Petersburg city hospitals enrolled one year old child in a state of severe exhaustion. Doctors were shocked by what they saw and immediately turned to law enforcement agencies.

The police became interested in the reasons for the critical thinness of the baby and found out that the child grew up in a safe and full family, in which there was only one "oddity" - both mother and father were syroeda.

Proponents of a special food system, which excludes heat treatment of food, did not even try to feed the child with what he was supposed to eat. Carrot and apple juice and vegetable and fruit purees are not the best diet for a growing body.

At the same time, the parents themselves ate the breast milk of the mother, which she decanted to fill them with corn flakes. Milk was only enough for the father and mother, and the baby did not get the food.

The baby has been living in this world for only about a year, but it is not the first time he is in the hospital.

At the age of 1 month, he was also hospitalized with exhaustion at the insistence of the district pediatrician. Then the child was rescued, fed and returned to parents. Now doctors state that The condition of the baby is extremely difficult and while the forecasts do not give.

Parents after the first hospitalization of the baby put on a special account in the local children's clinic, they were watched. But after a few months, the family of raw foodists moved to another district of St. Petersburg, and the doctors could not find them anymore.

The police, despite all the arguments of supporters of raw food, decided to initiate a criminal case against the mother and father. In the coming days he will be handed over to the court, which he will consider probability of depriving the parents of the rights to the child on the grounds that the couple is "socially dangerous." That is how the police formulated the degree of danger.

Parents, according to neighbors, have always been quite quiet and friendly, they do not drink and scandal.

Therefore, even the neighbors did not realize that a small child was literally starving to death outside the wall. The crying of the baby didn’t surprise or bother anyone - all babies are crying, especially since lately the baby began to cry rarely and quietly.

Crumbs discovered about a week ago in an apartment in the north-eastern part of St. Petersburg. He was in critical condition, and despite all the attempts of the doctors, it’s not possible to change the state of the baby for the better. The chances of saving the baby are there, but they are low, according to the doctors.

Raw foods - a food system that excludes any food processing - cooking, frying, baking.

Fruits and vegetables are eaten raw, grains are germinated and eaten together with sprouts. They do not drink cheese eaters and cow's milk, believing that only milk of its own kind is acceptable to humans; in nature, people simply could not get the milk of other species in a natural way.

Numerous medical studies conducted in different countries of the world have shown that raw foods can be dangerous, especially for children. Up to 30% of women-food eaters suffer from amenorrhea due to energy nutritional deficiency, 70% of raw food eaters show serious problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, parasitic diseases, problems with the destruction of tooth enamel.


