Pink goat with a blue stripe: psychologists told how to understand a child’s mood from a child’s drawing on asphalt

It's no secret that children love to draw with chalk on asphalt. But parents very often do not take these "art" seriously, but in vain.

Yaroslavl child psychologists have released a memo for parents in which they help moms and dads understand what does the baby want, what is he afraid of, what he dreams about and even how he feels, on chalk drawing on asphalt.

To begin with, experts advise parents to leave their mobile phone at home, going for a walk, to break away from conversations with neighbors and just look closely on what the child draws. Most likely, moms and dads waiting for the mass of exciting discoveries.

Drawing in chalk, the kid expresses his own world, everything that he cannot express in words, for which he lacks emotional experience.

Drawing on asphalt is a great way to relieve stress, to express everything that worries, and children do an excellent job with it.

Crayons are multi-colored, and the asphalt space is large, exceeding the area of ​​the album sheet, and therefore the child does not feel constrained.

At that moment he completely free.

Psychologists have called on parents not to pay attention to specific characters - a dog with six legs or a cow with two heads and flowers growing right out of the back means nothing. It - fantasy work. And this - completely normal.

Whoever the child portrays and however fantastic this creature looks, you need to calmly ask the baby about what happens in the figure. What does this hero do? Is he good or evil? Is he good or bad? Is he healthy or ill? Is he afraid of someone or something?

It is these answers that will characterize state of the child at the current time.

The worst thing that parents can do is criticize the child for drawing: “Is this a cow?”, “It doesn’t look like a dog, look how it should be!” etc.

The kid draws not a cow and not a dog, but own inner world, his drawing is already for this reason can not be bad or good.

If baby draws and crosses own drawingif he draws too small pictures or too big, parents definitely need to visit with a child of a child psychologist - such work often speaks of a serious internal conflict, chronic stress or low self-esteem.

To ignore such pictures can not be.


