Psychotherapists have compiled a list of phrases that can not be spoken to naughty children.

Psychotherapists from Britain conducted a large-scale study of the causes of disobedience of children and were able to issue a whole guide for parents of such boys and girls.

The manual included common parental phrases that become for the disobedient baby the very notorious "red rag for the bull".

The more capricious and stubborn your child is, the more carefully and carefully you need to look after yourself - to observe the prohibition on the use of certain expressions.

Psychotherapists monitored 520 families, in which kids grow up “with character” and noted the same parental mistakes.

So, the list of forbidden phrases looks like this:

  • How many times do you need to repeat that you can not do this?
  • You got me!
  • Why don't you notice me?
  • Why are not you listening to me?
  • Stop crying!
  • You behave like a little, and you're already big!
  • This is not discussed!
  • Because I decided so!
  • If you do not meet the requirement, you will not receive a sweet (gift, the right to walk, etc.).
  • Shut up immediately!
  • Now I will blow you!
  • Leave me alone!

These phrases, according to British psychotherapists, are usually trigger for stubbornness, hysteria or character demonstration.

If non-recommended phrases are diligently replaced softer counterparts, children perceive them much easier. For example, instead of "Why are you not listening to me?" Mom can calmly say: "It seems to me that you are not listening to me. Maybe we will try to talk again?".

Psychotherapists have advised to talk with children who do not differ in angelic temper calm and quiet voice, much quieter than usual.

This will attract the attention of the child. And the absence of acute emotional reactions of parents to the leprosy of their daughters and sons (anger, shout, irritability, tears) will cause a naughty kid to think about - and whether he needs to show character, if it still does not touch anyone and does not force him to lose his temper.

Recommendations are issued in the form of small brochures. They can be completely free to take in any supermarket where there are stands in printed products.


