Now not the fattest: a child with a phenomenal weight could lose weight

The boy from Delhi, Mihir Jain, better known as the fattest boy in the world, can now lose his status - he managed to lose weight by as much as 65 kilograms.

This greatly expanded its capabilities - for the first time in its 14 years. he managed to walk down the street without help. Before losing 65 kilos, the child weighed 237 kilograms in his 14 years.

The doctors were helped by the child - they performed a gastric bypass surgery, but without one’s own will, which you wouldn’t call anything other than iron, Mihir could have lost her weight so much. is he even before the operation managed to lose 97 kilograms.

Mihir was born completely normal. But from the earliest years he literally "fell in love" in sodas and fast food.

Parents were only impressed by the fat karapuzu, who ate his favorite sandwiches for both cheeks and drank them with lemonade.

As a result, at the age of 8, the boy already weighed 80 kilograms. Doctors did not dare to operate on a patient of such a young age and confined themselves to medical treatment - they gave Mihir tablets to suppress the appetite.

The pills influenced exactly the opposite - the boy, of course, began to eat less, but almost stopped moving, became sluggish and apathetic, most of the time he spent lying down.

When the child’s weight passed over 300 kilograms, the whole city decided to help him - the Indians “formed” and all the funds raised went for an operation in the best clinic and rehabilitation course.

Now Mihir, who received the opportunity to walk independently, intends to lose another 100-150 pounds, he wants to make friends, play sports and not be restricted in his movements.


