In the US, the teacher assesses the work of students using memes

US teacher Aine Fatima became famous on the Web thanks to a new grading system that she developed for her students.

The woman has become the first teacher in the world, who puts the marks for the tests not in points, but in memes.

A 27-year-old school teacher in Chicago sticks stickers to children's work. On some - misunderstanding, on others - delight, on the third - anger or disappointment.

The teacher, after the glory that had befallen her, told reporters that the usual scoring system, alas, does not reflect the whole range of emotions of the teacher who is checking the test papers.

To better understand the child what emotions did his teacher cause his work, she decided to communicate with teenagers in the language of memes - short and meaningful, emotionally colored situational pictures.

At first, Aine printed popular memes from the Internet, and then she began to invent her own.

When the children first saw pictures in notebooks they were very surprised, they were amazed by the idea of ​​the teacher. Now the school leadership states that the performance in the classroom of this teacher has improved significantly.

Memes more than points motivate children to academic achievement.

High school students also help the teacher create new memes, the idea was picked up by the whole school. True, Aine's colleagues argue that they are not yet ready to switch from their usual points to viral Internet pictures, because they consider this superfluous. Russian teachers agree with them.

However, the new school knowledge assessment system has found widespread support on the Internet. The post about the teacher and her "invention" gained more than 8 million views. Now Aine Fatima seriously claims the title of "Best Teacher of the Year."


