Strange holiday: Olga Shelest condemned for the child's birthday in the style of the Day of the Dead

TV presenter and actress Olga Shelest was criticized for having arranged a holiday for the child in the style of the Mexican Day of the Dead. That is how she decided to organize the fifth anniversary of his daughter Muses.

The fact is that the Muse was born on November 1, on this day in Mexico traditionally a bright and colorful celebration of the deceased takes place.

The touching cartoon “Mystery of Coco,” which, according to Olga Shelest, is one of the most popular muse cartoons, is devoted to this Mexican tradition.

Actually, it was precisely these two factors that determined the style of children's birthday.

Day of the Dead in Mexico
"The Mystery of Coco", 2017

On the fifth anniversary of the girls gathered a large children's company. The participants painted their own faces in the style of a “sugar skull” (klavera), namely, the klavera is considered the main symbol of the Day of the Dead. Participation in the stylized children's birthday took and adults - parents.

Photos from the children's holiday, which Olga posted on her Instagram page, were expected to be criticized. Fans Rustle in perplexity - for which it was necessary to combine children's birthday with a holiday that has no relation to our country, besides, the initiate is not at all alive, but dead? Some in their hearts even left Olga's subscribers, explaining that they used to love and respect her, but now they don’t even know how to perceive them.

Some, however, supported the initiative of the mother, emphasizing that nothing out of the ordinary happened.

If a girl loves this cartoon, then why not make a stylized holiday for her? After all, they make birthdays for children in the style of Fixico, Transformers, Smeshariki! Coco's Mystery is a very gentle and touching cartoon about eternal human and family values, about the memory of generations.

Olga Shelest has been officially married to clipmaker Alexei Tishkin for 4 years already. Together they are from 1998.

In 2013, in one of the clinics in New York, the first daughter of Shelest and Tishkin, Muza, was born. In the summer of 2015, the second daughter, Iris, was born.


