See mother and the world: Ulyanovsk doctors conducted a unique operation on the eyes of a newborn

This professional feat accomplished ophthalmologists in Ulyanovsk.

They performed laser retinal surgery. newborn baby. The operation took place at the regional children's hospital. Previously, these children had to be sent to the capital, and not always they were able to quickly help.

The crumb was born with retinopathy premature. His retina was totally affected by immaturity - The baby hurried to be born much earlier than the time set by obstetricians.

The only way to prevent inevitable blindness was laser coagulation. But with such small children, such intervention is usually not carried out.

The doctors decided to take a chance, and, having received permission from the mother, they operated on the infant.

Everything went well. The kid managed to return his sight in full. The boy spent a few more days at the neonatal pathology department of the regional children's hospital; now he is discharged home. A few more years the child will be closely watched by ophthalmologists in the children's clinic.

The first experience gave Ulyanovsk doctors the hope that now they can prevent blindness in premature babies - similar operations are planned to be carried out as necessary on an ongoing basis.


