More and more Russian families spend matkapital on the education of children

After the introduction of maternity capital, the main areas of its application have always been the improvement of housing conditions and the repayment of mortgages by means of a certificate. The parents practically did not plan to spend the state funds allocated to them for the child’s education.

But recently the trend has changed - in Russia, the number of families who have decided to spend the maternity capital funds on education has increased by 42%.

The use of a housing improvement certificate still leads, but the new trend has attracted the attention of specialists and experts who believe it is connected. with the lifting of the ban on the three-year disposal of funds of capital.

About a third of the parents who applied to the territorial offices of the Pension Fund of Russia with a statement about the direction of matkapital funds for education, decided to pay them preschool services - private or municipal kindergarten.

The rest are parents who want to be matkapital pay for the education of the older child at the university.

It is assumed that the increased interest in paying for higher education institutions is associated with a decrease in the number of budget places in higher education institutions and a significant increase in passing points on the budget, and therefore not every school graduate can count on free tuition at the university.

But the number of paid places has increased, and therefore matkapital, in fact, for many is the only way to give a child with secondary or low scores exam in higher education.

On average, education in universities on a fee basis costs from 50 thousand rubles to one and a half million rubles a year. It all depends on the prestige of the university. The most inexpensive and affordable - regional universities, the most expensive - MGIMO, Moscow State University, MIPT.


