Winter fun: doctors told how to unstick a child's tongue from a metal swing

A typical winter child trouble is a tongue stuck to a swing, sled or iron slide. Specialists of the Ministry of Health with the onset of this winter frost told the parents of a large country that how to unstick a tongue from a cold metal surfaceif the baby still decided to lick the swing.

The main injury in this case is not even that the tongue is stuck, but that parents usually try to release it incorrectly, as a result of which children enter the emergency room with injuries of the uvula and the oral cavity.

Experts say that in no case can the tongue be torn off by force or warmed with a lighter (these two methods are the most common and the most traumatic among the people).

Much safer pour water on him (it doesn't have to be warm) or try warm your own breath. For this, it is worth taking a bottle of warm water for a walk. If the tongue is stuck to the sled, and there are no adults nearby, the child needs to be explained that the sled should be carried straight ahead, going to the adults for help. Tearing away from them the language of force is also impossible.

According to the doctors, most often the tongue sticks to the swings and iron railings - curious kids, even warned about the consequences of the experiment, still check the frozen swings and rails "to taste".

Parents were warned that there was no need to scream and scold the child during the rescue operation - this may scare the baby and he will jerk sharply, causing serious damage to himself.

If, however, to remove the tongue without wounds did not work, it is worthwhile to show the child to the pediatrician. And then you need to process the wound with chlorhexidine solution and rinse the mouth with a decoction of chamomile to eliminate infection and facilitate healing.

For several days, the child is recommended to give only non-sharp and sparse food - vegetable, meat and fruit purees.


