At what age can a child drive without a car seat?


The rules of the road almost always change, and any motorist is obliged to monitor them independently. There is the same principle as in other branches of law - “ignorance of the law is no excuse”. Much attention in their own interests should be paid to the safety of the children being transported.

Age changes in traffic regulations

From 12.07.2017, the updated version of the rules of the road is in effect. Lawmakers drew attention to long-exacerbated problems, such as adjusting oncoming traffic or driving parallel to the tram. But one of the most anticipated innovations was a change in the rules governing the movement of children in cars. These changes are fixed in clause 22.9. Now he says that it is only possible to carry minors so that their safety is ensured taking into account the specific features of the vehicle.

Kids under 7 years old (0-6 years old inclusive)

At this age, transporting children inside a car or in a truck is allowed only with the use of special restraining devices, which are matched to the child’s weight and height.

If the design of the vehicle does not provide seat belts (in combination with special holding equipment ISOFIX or autonomously from it), it is impossible to use such transport. The new modification of the rules affects not only movement, but also parking with children up to 7 years. Now it is forbidden to leave them without the presence of adults. The exception is the need to leave the car for 5 minutes or less.

Children from 7 to 12 years old (7-11 years old inclusive)

The age group from 7 to 11 years old inclusive in the same vehicles that meet the standard requirements can be moved in two ways. They are allowed to drive without a seat in the car, using only seat belts, but the use of the seats is allowed and encouraged morally. This can be understood by what point the legislator puts in the first place.

In the front seats at this age, travel is allowed strictly in protective seats.

It is forbidden to install special restraint devices in any way contrary to the manual of the vehicle.

Under 12 years old are not allowed to be in the backseat of a motorcycle when driving. The division into groups of up to 7 and up to 12 years of age seems quite reasonable, because even the behavior in such age groups is very different. From the new edition, some mysterious "other means of transport" disappeared. Drivers who carry school-age children in the rear seats can no longer spend money on special seats.

Such changes are justified by the fact that holding chairs help reduce the trauma of babies by 52–80% (depending on the exact age).

The penalty for complying with the mandatory rules for transporting children is 3,000 rubles.

Although it is possible to carry schoolchildren from 7 to 12 years old in the back seat without a child car seat, you can do it with a simple safety belt, but experts recommend choosing the most protected option.

There are exceptions, they are allowed due to objective circumstances:

  • children above 1.4 m and heavier than 36 kg;
  • relocation of small people with disabilities;
  • delivery of sick children to medical institutions;
  • transportation of a child by taxi car or passing transport in remote, remote area;
  • the need to urgently leave the zone of natural disaster or bad weather conditions;
  • the need to transport in the car (in general or in the back row) many people at once.

Those who are interested, can be transported in a car of children without protective seats or not, it is worth getting acquainted not only with the formal rules. There are data of inexorable statistics: in 2016, 94 of them died in 2142 accidents with juvenile (up to 12 years). Over 2400 injured. Moreover, the mortality rate among those who are not held by protective systems or seat belts increases with each passing year. Additional information on protective systems can be found in GOST 2005.

According to it, the restraint can be created by a combination of an adapter with a seat belt. The standard describes the use of elastic cushions that complement any “adult” belt. It is necessary to use another guide strap, which keeps the placement of the shoulder of the belt suitable for children. According to the standards of the standard guide strap can not carry a powerful dynamic load. Adjustment of its placement is made using the apparatus, shifted up or down.

Teenagers (12 years and older)

Teenagers (all who are over 12 years old) can move with the help of regular seat belts, without additional protection. For information: not reached 12 years old, but exceeding the established parameters of height and weight can move in the same mode - only in the rear seats. Adolescents with normal physical development are fully protected by standard means of retention.

The choice of car seats for teenagers must comply with the European safety category ECE R44.03. The weight of the portable load when choosing is much more important than the formal age classification, because the latter is of a recommendatory nature.

Carriage of children in the front seat

Children from 0 to 2 years old can only be moved in front on seats equipped with car "cradles." In this case, small passengers should be oriented face to the side opposite to the car. From 7 to 12 years old it is allowed to move children in both rows, but only in a special chair, carefully selected for the height and weight of the child. After the age of 12 years, children can be transported in the front seat with a seat belt. Operation of additional seats is optional.


The wide distribution of cars makes it a very topical issue how to transport children in a given situation. Responsible drivers try not only to avoid paying a fine for the child, without a seat, but also to guarantee maximum safety in principle. Previously, until the summer of 2017, it was allowed to use:

  • frameless systems;
  • "Books";
  • seat belt adjusters

But in the newest edition of the SDA, these tools are not mentioned at all. Consequently, their use is not allowed and even punishable by a fine. Separate conversation deserves the movement of children in taxi cars. Since the special order for this case is not written anywhere, the standard rules are used. Most of the specialized organizations use child-holding equipment.

Failure to comply with the established standard may entail disciplinary sanctions for the driver. They can be imposed by the management of organizations and the controlling bodies of the automobile enterprise. Administrative responsibility applies to the driver in the prescribed manner.

Criminal punishment is applied to drivers, other taxis, including their management, if the life and health of a minor passenger is at risk.

Administrative penalties can be expressed as:

  • corrective works;
  • administrative arrest;
  • verbal warning;
  • restrictions on the right to engage in certain activities.

If a taxi driver carries a passenger from 12 years old unfastened, he will have to pay 1000 rubles. When moving without a safety belt for children, the amount of the fine is three times as much. Parents will have to pay it only with the participation of at least one of them in management. The value of the fine does not depend on how many passengers travel at the same time. The belt should be used on all seats, regardless of row.

According to the Administrative Code, officials of the company who have violated the rules for transporting children in a car must pay 25 thousand rubles. A legal entity (organization) must pay one hundred thousand.

Using boosters and adapters is unacceptable, especially in the case of small children. When the police check the observance of the rules for the transport of children, it is also necessary to check the presence of CTP.

Even the installation of the chair without its actual use is considered a violation.

Since the safety of children worries people even outside the context of fines, it is worthwhile to dwell on this. It is unacceptable to purchase used car seats, they may contain seemingly minor damages that impair safety.

Universal car seats (designed for two age groups or more) are less safe than in specialized versions. Category 0+ is considered more practical and convenient than the "0". To put such a chair is supposed to go along the car until the child can sit on his own.

It is recommended to examine the certificates and crash test protocols for the materials used. Placing textile seams in the center of the headrest causes inconvenience for some young passengers. Much more practical side fastening belts. It is advisable to buy one that is better in terms of orthopedic among two identical models in general. It is also important to check if the holding belts are too short.

For information on how old a child can drive without a car seat, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


