Grippol Plus for children: features of vaccinations and doctors reviews


Flu vaccination does not provide an absolute guarantee that the child will not get sick, but it guarantees an easier course of the viral disease - without complications. To create specific immunity to the influenza virus of different strains, different vaccines are used.

In this article we will talk about Grippol Plus, which is widely used for vaccinations in children.

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About vaccine

"Grippol Plus" appeared in 2006 and immediately received popular recognition, it was included in the National Calendar of preventive vaccinations. For children, the use of this drug has been authorized since 2009.

Since 2014, the vaccine has been recognized safe for pregnant women, and since that time it has been used for preventive vaccination among expectant mothers.

The drug is available in the form of a suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.

The vaccine with the word “plus” in the title differs from “Grippol” in the absence of preservatives, due to which it is recognized as safe for child use and immunoprophylaxis of pregnant women.

The vaccine is inactivated; its composition changes from year to year due to the current clinical guidelines of the World Health Organization. The fact is that influenza viruses mutate quickly and often, and the vaccine that is relevant in the past epidemic season may turn out to be ineffective in the current one. This is due to the need to make adjustments to the composition.

Hemagglutin antigens of influenza A and B viruses are always present in its composition. The remaining components may vary.

Already after 8–12 days after vaccine administration, a rather high antibody titer is detected in the patient’s blood. Studies have found it in about 85-95% vaccinated. Immunity lasts about a year, that is, until the next epidemiological season.

The composition of the vaccine introduced azoxymere bromide - immunomodulator, which helps to ensure the stability of antibodies. This is what ultimately influences the formation of long-lasting and persistent immunity to influenza viruses.

Available in Russia. It is transported with observance of strict temperature condition.

Application features

After receiving a dose of vaccine, the body takes time to create an immune barrier and develop protection, and therefore it is recommended to begin vaccination with this drug before viruses attack, that is, in September - early October. In some regions, where the cooling starts earlier, the vaccination campaign starts in August.

All children can be vaccinated from the age of six months.

The smallest category of patients (from 6 months to 3 years) vaccination done in the children's clinic at the place of residence. It is completely free.. After the introduction of the first part of the vaccine in an amount of 0.25 ml, another similar dose is administered in a month.

Children over 3 years old are given a one-time flu shot. This happens with the consent of the parents in kindergarten, at school. A single dose, according to the instructions for use, for these children differs from the dose for infants - 0.5 ml.

If the child suffers from immunodeficiency states, he, regardless of the calendar age, is vaccinated according to the scheme of infants - two injections of 0.25 ml.

If a child is already big - school age, and he has never been vaccinated against flu before, then a double vaccination in the age dose is indicated for him. The second vaccine needs to be done exactly one month after the first one.

Pregnant women can receive the vaccine at any time, but the second and third trimesters are considered the safest.

Adults, especially those at risk, receive Grippol Plus once. This group includes employees of medical institutions, teachers, public transport workers, draftees and military personnel, workers in the housing and utilities sector, the elderly.

Contraindications and side effects

Since the vaccine is purified and free from preservatives, its application is practically not limited.

But you should know that even this safe means of vaccination is not carried out if the child has signs:

  • acute respiratory viral infection that has already begun - runny nose, cough, fever;
  • exacerbations of any chronic disease (children with kidney pathologies are vaccinated, but during an exacerbation the vaccine is contraindicated, the same rule applies to all diseases;
  • allergy to chicken protein (vaccine obtained by infection with viral particles of chicken embryo cells).

Usually, parents, frightened by the stories of supporters of anti-vaccine sentiments, are wary of a flu shot, for fear of side effects. As for Grippol Plus, such effects in this vaccine, according to clinical trials and pediatric practice, usually not very pronounced or not pronounced. These include a runny nose, general malaise, a certain soreness and unpleasant induration at the site of the vaccine. The child may slightly rise in temperature (above 37.0 degrees). Very rarely, vaccination causes allergies or causes the development of a neuralgic lesion.

Fearing moderate side effects is not necessary. Without any treatment, medication symptoms go away within 1-2 days after vaccination..

If the child feels very bad, he has high fever, rash, nausea or other signs of trouble, you should call the doctor.

Vaccination preparation

From an adult who is to be vaccinated against influenza, no special preparation is required. He came on the appointed day and made a small injection. But if we are talking about child vaccination, everything is different. Training is highly recommended by pediatricians.

So, how to prepare your baby for flu vaccination:

  • For 3 days, stop adding all new foods to the diet in order not to provoke an allergic reaction. Among the usual products for the same three days it is better to refuse fish, fish oil, seafood.
  • If a child takes a water-soluble vitamin D or a multivitamin complex, which includes this substance, you should stop taking them for 4 days.
  • If the child is prone to allergies, before inoculation for a couple of hours, give him an antihistamine at the age dosage. It is better - "ClaritinOr Fenistil.
  • Do not overfeed the child on the eve of the vaccination so that he can go to the treatment room light.

On the morning of the day of vaccination, you need to measure the child's temperature, look into his throat, assess the condition of the tongue, make sure that the stomach does not hurt, there is no cough, and the nose breathes on its own. If the temperature is above 37.0 degrees, the vaccination will have to be moved.. At this temperature, a medical professional who also measures it before an injection will simply refuse to administer the vaccine.

What to do after?

After a couple of scary (from the point of view of the baby) minutes are left behind, do not rush to immediately drag the child home.Sit with him in the corridor away from the queue of patients (so as not to catch the viruses), walk along the street near the clinic's porch. There is no need to retire further, because a lightning allergic reaction is possible. This happens very rarely, but if it happens, it is not always possible to take a child to the hospital from the house, even on an ambulance with flashing lights. You will need quick assistance on the spot, and it can provide it in the clinic.

The first signs of a lightning reaction system are:

  • blanching;
  • perspiration and sweating;
  • restless behavior of the child;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • puffiness of lips, nose.

In this case, you urgently need to grab the child and out of turn to fly to any doctor's office.

For most, nothing like this happens, so after half an hour the child goes home. Can I swim after vaccination? If there is no high temperature, then you can. Is it allowed to walk? Allowed, but again, provided that the child has no high temperature (above 38.0 degrees).

It is not necessary to feed the baby hearty and tight after he received the flu vaccine. For a couple of days, it is advisable to have a light diet full of vitamins, but not fat. Immunity will work actively, it just needs a little help.

Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The authoritative pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky is sure that there are many more children in the world who are affected by the flu virus than children who have been affected by this vaccine. He strongly recommends such a vaccination.

Even if the child gets sick after the vaccination, he will have flu like an ordinary acute respiratory viral infection, and the probability of dangerous complications - meningitis, meningoencephalitis, myocarditis will be significantly lower, almost zero. Influenza is not dangerous in itself, and it is precisely because of its complications, and the flu vaccine solves this problem perfectly.


There are other flu vaccines. In addition to Grippol and Grippola Plus, vaccines Sovigripp, Vaxigripp, Ultrix, Influvac, Grippovac are widely distributed in Russia.

The need to pick up an analogue may arise if the child has an allergic reaction in the history of Grippol Plus. In this case, another vaccine will be selected.

Reviews of patients and doctors

        Reviews of Grippola Plus, like other flu vaccines, are mixed. There are many positive ones among them, in which the mothers indicate that the vaccination did not cause any such actions, and the child did not get the flu for a year. There are mothers who are sure that vaccinations are evil, and not only from the flu, but also from everything else.

        Among the side effects of mom describe the signs of "cold": runny nose, slight coughing, fever. But in most cases, even antipyretic drugs were not needed, everything went pretty quickly by itself.

        Reviews of doctors are almost always positive.

        Famous children's doctor and TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky tells about his flu shots to parents in this video.

        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


