Diet for gastritis in a child


Chronic gastritis occupies one of the leading positions in the structure of diseases in children among various diseases of the digestive system. This disease has one in five babies. The first symptoms begin at an early age, starting at age 7. At this time, the child goes to school, eats outside the house, increases the load. All this contributes to the development of diseases of the stomach.


Only a doctor can prescribe a diet for chronic gastritis. If the child has pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen, belching or heartburn - immediately contact a specialist. It is better to consult a gastroenterologist. He will conduct a number of additional studies and analyzes, which will make it possible to specify the diagnosis and determine the associated diseases. After the examination, the specialist will decide which treatment table to prescribe (taking into account the pathologies the baby has).

There are several prescribed treatment tables for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the basic purpose of the appointment is to determine the leading disease that causes the most adverse symptoms for the baby.

If, after examination, the doctor determined that the child has chronic gastritis, one should follow a therapeutic diet for life.

It includes some basic rules:

  • All food must be very well ground. It is not allowed to use large pieces. All meat products should be minced. In the first days of the onset of the disease, food with a more liquid consistency is recommended. For kids from 6 years old, you can already make food thicker and not as wiped as for kids.
  • It is not allowed to use hot, burning food. All dishes should be cooled to a comfortable temperature. This is approximately 35-40 degrees. For children of preschool age, food can be cooled to room temperature or slightly higher (no more than 30 degrees). This will promote healing of the inflamed inner wall of the stomach.
  • All products with a strong sharp or sour taste are strictly prohibited! You should not eat food that is fried. All dishes with crispy fried crust should also be excluded.
  • Meals in small portions at a specific time. In diseases of the stomach, food intake plays an important (even a leading) role in treatment. If you feed on the regime, by a certain time, enzymes and digestive juices begin to be produced. If the food does not arrive at the appointed hour, the stomach becomes inflamed and gastritis appears. Feed your baby at least 5-6 times a day, at a certain time!
  • Cook at home whenever possible. So you will know exactly what ingredients are put into the dishes. If the baby eats in the kindergarten, talk to the caregiver and explain why your child is sick. In preschool institutions, children now take into account the diseases and prepare meals separately. If a child attends school, be sure to check out the school menu. If it is not suitable for feeding your child, prepare food at home in advance and take it to your baby with you.

What products should be included in the menu?

If a child is diagnosed with chronic gastritis, then throughout his life he must follow a special diet. It is aimed at preventing exacerbations and ensuring adequate functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

What can be attributed to the safest products that should be used for diseases of the stomach? We read further.

All kinds of cereal porridge

They should form the basis of nutrition for young patients with diseases of the stomach. Cereals are easily digested without overloading the body. They contain a huge amount of vegetable protein, fiber. This contributes to the physiological cleansing of the body and prevents the development of adverse symptoms in diseases of the digestive system.

Low-fat protein foods

Prefer rabbit or turkey. They contain in their composition a lot of high-grade protein, which is an excellent building material for the growth of the child's body. They have almost no fat, so they are easily digested. When processing in the stomach, they do not damage its walls. In short, this is a great product for the growth and health of babies!

Fresh low-fat dairy products

Preferably cooked at home, on special bacterial starters, which can be bought in pharmacies or large supermarkets. It is an excellent source of beneficial bacteria that colonize the intestines. They promote better digestion and strengthen the immune system.

Sweet fruit

Usually, many medical diets exclude such food, but kids with stomach ailments can eat fruit quite calmly. They will not harm.

Moreover, sweet fruits are excellent sources of vitamins, especially in the summer. All sour berries and fruits are excluded from the children's menu, as they can cause inflammation of the stomach wall.


You can use almost any vegetables in your diet. During the aggravation, it is better to bake or steam them. Raw vegetables can cause indigestion and increase pain in the tummy of a baby. Choose all kinds of cauliflower and broccoli, carrots, potatoes, zucchini. They contain many trace elements that are necessary for the work of children's immunity.

Recipes for delicious dishes in the treatment of gastritis

Hackle dumplings with a complex side dish

Take a half a kilo fillet of hake. Check if small bones remain in it. Rinse under water, dry. Grind to the state of minced meat. Take a chicken egg, separate the white from the yolk. Protein whisk thoroughly with a whisk until dense foam. Salt it.

Prepare a water bath. Put the dumplings in the water bath container. Cook for 20-25 minutes, then cool.

Separately, boil white rice until tender. Divide the cauliflower into inflorescences. Cut one small carrot into slices. Steam until tender. Put the vegetables in a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of butter and salt a little. Grind vegetables with a blender until mashed. If your baby is over three years old, do not mash too thin.

Put on the plate a couple of dumplings, rice and vegetable puree. You can serve a dish with sour cream or yogurt.

The appointment of a diet in diseases of the stomach and chronic gastritis is an important factor in treatment. Only a diet and all recommendations will reduce the number of exacerbations of these diseases and return excellent digestion without pain and heartburn.

With a special diet, mothers need to have a list of products on hand so that children receive only wholesome food. Cheat sheet of such products - in the attached video.

Soup should always be present in the daily diet of each person. Soup with meatballs - the first dish that should be included in the menu of children who have doctors diagnosed with gastritis. Detailed video instructions can be viewed right now.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


